Santa Clara County Local News: Environment

All Local Environment News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

As winter conditions wind down, the beginning of April is always the most important time for California's water managers to take stock of how much snow has fallen in the Sierra Nevada. This year, something unusual happened.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

The goal is to eliminate habitat competition between "invasive" owls and native owls.

Hilltromper Silicon Valley logo From Hilltromper Silicon Valley...

Image for display with article titled The Wildflowers of Coyote Ridge

A conversation with Dr. Stu Weiss about the Máyyan 'Ooyákma-Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve, and why it is one of the Bay Area’s premier wildflower hot-spots.

California Local Pin Marker From California Local...

Image for display with article titled Yes, Beavers Can Help Stop Wildfires. And More Places in California Are Embracing Them

Beavers create unburned islands where plants and animals can shelter from megafires, research has confirmed. A movement is afoot to reintroduce the rodents to the state's waterways.

California Local Pin Marker From Mountain View Voice...

As energy costs go up and awareness of the environmental footprint increases, people are turning to energy consultants for energy audits and advice.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

Sieroty, of Beverly Hills, served as a state Assembly member and senator, championing disability rights and efforts to protect California's coast.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

An interview with the CEO of the popular outdoor app serving more than 60 million users worldwide.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

California will miss its goals unless it can increase emission reductions threefold, according to a new study.

California Local Pin Marker From Mountain View Voice...

The City Council unanimously agreed to stop enforcing its ban on gas infrastructure to comply with a recent decision by the Ninth Circuit Board of Appeals which struck down a similar prohibition on gas infrastructure in Berkeley in 2023.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

Ecologists estimate that up to 14,000 sequoias have been killed in recent wildfires. The National Park Service for the first time has begun replanting some severely burned areas.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The state’s environmental tool skews which communities are designated as disadvantaged, researchers say. Some immigrant neighborhoods could be left out, while other groups are overrepresented.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

A temporary lake in Death Valley National Park doubled after recent rains and is now deep enough to launch a kayak. Prior to August, ghostly Lake Manly hadn’t appeared in 19 years.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

Foragers at the beaches in Half Moon Bay might be damaging the area’s reef.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

The storm fed off of unusually warm waters as it grew. It also reached “bomb cyclone” status as it neared California.

California Local Pin Marker From Daily Democrat...

A handful of super powerful tropical storms in the last decade and the prospect of more to come has a couple of experts proposing a new category of whopper hurricanes: Category 6.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

Monarch butterflies have a long way to go before reaching stable population numbers.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

What is an ARkStorm and why is everyone talking about it on social media right now?

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

As an underground fire burns deep within Chiquita Canyon Landfill, air regulators are raising alarms over the possible spread of toxic vapors.

California Local Pin Marker From California Local...

Image for display with article titled Can a Handful of Silicon Valley Billionaires Fix the Bay Area’s Housing Crisis?

In NYT’s “The Farmers Had What the Billionaires Wanted,” we meet a man who wants to build a city in the middle of nowhere, and folks who are slowing him down. For now.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

Take a period of limited rainfall. Add heat. And you have what scientists call a “hot drought”—dry conditions made more intense by the evaporative power of hotter temperatures.
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