A relaxing nap can be a good way to spend the holiday which honors workers.
We give thanks to all the people who worked over the three day weekend taking care of the rest of us loafers.
And special thanks to organized labor, which has brought us the five day work-week, safer workplaces, fair pay and continues to fight for worker rights in general. Their work is never done.
In this week's newsletter we're also taking a break, and will be back in action next week with a look at the unusual number of city council elections being cancelled for want of candidates running against incumbents, and a reflection on how California is burning oil to make water.
In the meantime, enjoy the recipe of the week and catch up on all the news and government announcements from last week, below.
• CalFire Funds Fuel Reduction in Nevada County
CalFire awarded a grant to Nevada County Resource Conservation District for fuel reduction efforts on two local ranches.
(08/31/2024) → YubaNet
• Sierra Commons Celebrates 15 Years
Sierra Commons is hosting a 15-year anniversary celebration in Nevada City on September 20 with an auction to help fund its business education and entrepreneurial innovation program.
(08/31/2024) → YubaNet
• Habitat for Humanity Celebrates 45th Nevada County Home
A ribbon cutting ceremony on August 21 celebrated the completion of the 45th home constructed by Nevada County Habitat for Humanity.
(08/31/2024) → YubaNet
• Nevada City Constitution Day Weekend Celebration Approaches
Now in its 57th year, the Nevada City Annual Constitution Weekend is scheduled for the weekend of September 14 and 15 in Pioneer Park.
(08/30/2024) → The Union
• League of Women Voters Candidate Forum Dates Scheduled
Four candidate forums, and two Pro and Con presentations will be hosted by the League of Women Voters of Nevada County between now and the November 5 election.
(08/30/2024) → The Union
• Tiny Homes on Wheels Ordinance Community Meetings Scheduled in October
The public comment deadline has been extended, and two community meetings scheduled for October, for discussion about a proposed ordinance to allow living in tiny homes on wheels on private property in unincorporated Nevada County.
(08/30/2024) → YubaNet
• Latino Family Festival Coming to Condon Park in September
The third annual Latino Family Festival will be held in Condon Park in Grass Valley on September 12, hosted by PARTNERS Family Resources and the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools .
(08/29/2024) → YubaNet
• Comment Period Opens for Caldor Fire Restoration Project Environmental Assessment
The 30-day public comment period has commenced for the recently published El Dorado National Forest Caldor Fire Restoration Project Environmental Assessment.
(08/28/2024) → YubaNet
• California’s Economy Lags Behind Other States, Here’s Why It’s So Sluggish
California’s unemployment rate, 5.2% of its labor force in July, is no longer the nation’s highest after months of having that dubious distinction.
(09/02/2024) → CalMatters
• Gavin Newsom Calls Special Session on Gas Prices
Unable to jam through bills he says will lower California gas prices, Gov. Newsom calls the Legislature back into session.
(08/31/2024) → CalMatters
• More Affordable Housing Funds Could Come With New Labor Requirements
The Legislature is willing to guarantee $500 million annually to affordable housing developers, but with a caveat.
(08/30/2024) → CalMatters
• California’s Inequality Hotspots
A large apartment complex in San Rafael’s majority-Latino Canal neighborhood. Latino families in Marin County are far more likely than white families to have trouble making ends meet, a new report finds.
(08/30/2024) → CalMatters
• California Emergency Alerts Warn You About Fires and Extreme Weather. How to Sign Up in Your County
Early warning systems save lives during disasters, but a recent FEMA survey found that only a third of people are signed up. Use this resource to find your county’s emergency alert sign-up page.
(08/29/2024) → CalMatters
• From Inmate Release to Immigrant Housing Aid, California Bills Spur End-of-Session Fireworks
Some Democrats are pushing bills that could put their colleagues on the hot seat in an election year. The authors say they’re representing their constituents and there’s never a perfect time for votes.
(08/28/2024) → CalMatters
• 1 in 6 CHP Jobs Are Vacant — Despite Historic Raises and Newsom’s Hiring Campaign
California Highway Patrol officers received historically high raises in 2022 and 2023, but it continues to face a high vacancy rate of 16%.
(08/28/2024) → CalMatters
• These Middlemen Say They Keep Drug Prices Low. California Lawmakers Don’t Buy It
Pharmacy benefit managers attempt to negotiate cost savings for insurers. California is considering new rules that would require them to pass their discounts on to consumers.
(08/27/2024) → CalMatters
• Lawmakers Say Newsom Staff ‘Inflated’ Cost of Failed Health Care Bills
A trio of California Democratic lawmakers say they’re frustrated by high cost estimates that helped kill their health care legislation. Did the Newsom administration inflate the numbers to quietly kill the bills?
(08/26/2024) → CalMatters
• Millions of Californians Have Medical Debt. It Wouldn’t Hurt Your Credit Under Proposed Rules
About 4 in 10 Californians are carrying medical debt. Lawmakers are advancing a bill that would prevent that debt from affecting credit scores.
(08/26/2024) → CalMatters