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Unlocking Potential: Recent ADU Research and Its Impact on Policy and Development
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation is hosting a Housing Lunch and Learns series starting September 13, 2024. These virtual conversations will feature community leaders and housing experts as we di...
Food Bank of Nevada County
Listed under: Agriculture, Food & Gardening Community Service & Support
(530) 582-7700
Jan Zabriskie is a former member of the Peace Corps and field botanist for the University of California working in the Southern California deserts. After earning his law degree and working with the Nevada Public Service Commission, he joined a business law practice in Sacramento. He ended his legal career as a deputy attorney general with the California Department of Justice.
Previously part of the Truck Planning Commission and General Plan Advisory Committee, Zabriskie said he joined the Town Council to help make the community stronger, the environment healthier and to reduce the risk from wildfires. He studied botany at Pomona College and at the University of California, Riverside, earning his law degree from McGeorge School of Law.
First Elected: November 2018
Town Council Assignments: General Plan Advisory Committee, Nevada County Local Agency Formation Commission, Nevada County Transportation Commission, Airport Land Use Commission.
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