Midwinter greetings from the gray and rainy capital of the greening Golden State. According to the Farmers' Almanac, Monday, Feb. 3, 2025, marks the exact halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox—this day is celebrated in snowy cultures as Midwinter.
There are two ways we might use this obscure holiday to inform our discussion in this episode of The Newsletter. 1) Grimly contemplate the dark, cold months we have traversed since the happy holiday season ended, while gravely considering the darker events of those months (or last week). 2) Look forward hopefully to the warmth and brightness of spring, and find something within our remit to celebrate.
Okay, you win. This week, in our endless quest to present a fresh perspective on the news: While goverment workers are being virtually massacred back east, we offer an appreciative look at the people we like to call "public servants."
Also, below: Maybe you don't need me to tell you that you can find (right here!) local news you need; an inspiring hook-up with a heroic non-profit organization; and (what?) a recipe for a dish that might make everythng feel better.