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Unveiling a Hidden Solution: How the Sierra Nevada’s Forests Can Help Solve Climate Change, Rural Economic Decline, and the National Housing Crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ashley Beck, Director of Communications September 12, 2024 Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation ashley@ttcf.net (Sierra Nevada, CA) – In the heart of California’s Sierra Nevada...
Community of Writers
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media Education
From Placer Herald...
The Sierra College Foundation closed Academic Year 23-24 by awarding nearly $350,000 in scholarships to more than 200 local students to help pay for school, as well as living costs such as rent, utilities, gas and food.
From Sierra Sun...
For Nevada County to be wildfire resilient and disaster-ready it will take all of us. This is something the Nevada County Office of Emergency Services has recognized, having worked to identify gaps in disaster preparedness with their 2024 Disaster Engagement Strategy. One of the gaps identified was Youth Emergency Preparedness.
From CalMatters...
From Loomis News...
The Placer County 4-H livestock judging team has emerged as the No. 1 team in California, earning the prestigious opportunity to represent the state at the national 4-H competition this year.
The Tahoe Truckee Unified School District has partnered with Placer School for Adults to ensure continued adult education programming for the Truckee North Tahoe Community.
In downsizing her home, Cheryl Halston made a rather sizeable donation to Paradise High School recently.
Loomis Library hosted an open house for its new demonstration garden on June 1.A crowd of about 150 wandered around the garden to see the activities and plants. The garden committee had information tables set up on various topics like irrigation, tool care and vermiculture.
From EdSource...
The Loomis Town Council approved a November ballot measure to extend the “Library Tax” set to expire in 2026.
From Roseville Today...
As part of the ongoing efforts to enrich community involvement in the development of the new Truckee Regional Library, the Core Partners (Nevada County, Town of Truckee and Friends of the Truckee Library) are excited to announce a series of in-person engagement events throughout June and July, inviting residents to contribute their ideas and feedback toward the design of the new library.
Rocklin celebrated National Public Works Week with a free kids interactive event “Meet the Machines” on May 23 at the city's Corporation Yard.
Now through June 10, Alpenglow Sports is encouraging people to take part in its fourth annual Community Book Initiative.
From Auburn Journal...
Learning a trade and giving back to the community, the students of Confluence High School have partnered up with a local nonprofit to build a home for an unhoused veteran.
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