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Unlocking Potential: Recent ADU Research and Its Impact on Policy and Development
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation is hosting a Housing Lunch and Learns series starting September 13, 2024. These virtual conversations will feature community leaders and housing experts as we di...
Rocklin Area Chamber of Commerce
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(916) 434-2490
Now in his second term on the Lincoln City Council, Dan Karleskint moved to Lincoln in 2003. According to the city website, he and his wife are both native Californians who fell in love with Lincoln after visiting the area. Before he moved to Lincoln, Karleskint was in the high-tech industry for 40 years. He retired in 2007 and turned his attention to city government. Along with attending many council meetings over the years in order to stay informed, Karleskint served on multiple advisory bodies, including the Planning Commission and the Economic Development Committee.
First elected: November 2016
Alma mater: Allan Hancock College
Notable quote: “I think that we have got a council that can disagree and not carry a grudge, which is different than previous councils in the past and I am very happy with my colleagues.” (Source: Gold Country Media)
Committee, board and commission assignmentsLincoln Airport CommitteeLoan CommitteeWestern Placer Unified School DistrictLocal Agency Formation CommissionPioneer Community EnergyPlacer Conservation AuthorityWestern Placer Waste Management Authority BoardConstruction Operation JPA
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