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New Fall Reads for 2024
Grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte and sit outside with these new fiction selections from San Jose Public Library!
Sunnyvale Community Services
Listed under: Homelessness Community Service & Support
(408) 647-5694
Contact the Councilmember
Among the winners in Sunnyvale’s first district-elected City Council race is Alysa Cisneros, a third-generation Santa Clara County native who attended Cupertino Middle School and Homestead High School.
As the first elected representative of District 2, Cisneros wants to serve her constituents. “Number one, finishing our downtown is a massive undertaking for my district. Overwhelmingly, people want this done and it’s looking good,” Cisneros told Silicon Valley Voice. “Then moving forward on improving library services as well. I hope to support our schools in a city capacity through library services.”
She added, however, “We have a great responsibility to not just focus downtown, but to make sure that we are making everywhere in the city vibrant and accessible.”
First elected: November 2020
Day job: Research consultant, Engage R+D
Alma maters: Mills College (bachelor’s and master’s degrees); De Anza College (associate’s degree)
Notable quote: “I’m one of the very few people that I know of who I graduated from high school with who still live here,” Cisneros told the Silicon Valley Voice. “A major issue affecting Sunnyvale and the larger region is that, can we expect our kids to be able to move back to their hometown? Are we raising a generation of people without a hometown? I think we are and that needs to change.”
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