Though a number of high-tech companies are headquartered here and many residents commute to the industrial parks of Silicon Valley, Morgan Hill still looks more like Santa Clara Valley’s past. Vineyards, lakes and reservoirs abound—and nearby is vast Henry W. Coe State Park, the second-largest park in California, and home to a protected wilderness area.

Image for City of Morgan Hill City Council

City Council

The Morgan Hill City Council consists of a mayor, who is directly elected citywide to serve a two-year term. The four councilmembers are elected by district to serve four-year terms. Meetings are livestreamed on Channel 17, the city’s website, and the city’s Facebook page. Photo by Cristiano Tomás.

Image for City of Morgan Hill Planning Commission

Planning Commission

Morgan Hill Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the Morgan Hill City Council Chamber. Meetings are livestreamed on Channel 17, the city’s website, and the city’s Facebook page.

Recent Announcements

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Spooktakular Fun @ Magical Bridge

Join Parks & Rec for spooky fun at Magical Bridge Playground! Lots of activities, including a Flash Mob Dance Routine! Flash Mob Rehearsal: Thurs., Oct. 17, 6 - 7 p.m. Halloween Celebration to show off the dances: Sat., Oct. 19, starts at 3:30 p.m.

Economic Dev. & Manufacturing

Morgan Hill is the ideal destination for businesses seeking growth, manufacturers looking to expand, and talented professionals eager to make a difference. The City's latest video and article highlight the industry and how it helps our community.

Clean Air Week Starts September 30

Join us for fun-packed events related to clean air, both indoors and outdoors. Events include a cooking demonstration with an induction cooktop and a Clear Air Celebration at Magical Bridge Playground. Activities continue through October 5.

Related News

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Image for display with article titled Meet the Candidates: MHUSD Trustee Area 7

Three seats on the Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot. Voters will select their board representatives in Trustee Area 5 (central Morgan Hill), Trustee Area 6 (north Morgan Hill) and Trustee Area 7 (south Morgan Hill).

Morgan Hill Times logo From Morgan Hill Times...

Image for display with article titled Meet the Candidates: Morgan Hill City Council District C

Running to represent District C on the Morgan Hill City Council are Soraida Iwanaga and Michael Orosco.

Morgan Hill Times logo From Morgan Hill Times...

Image for display with article titled Meet the Candidates for Mayor of Morgan Hill

The Nov. 5 general election ballot features two candidates for Morgan Hill Mayor: incumbent Mark Turner and District B City Council member Yvonne Martinez Beltran.

Morgan Hill Times logo From Morgan Hill Times...

Image for display with article titled Meet the Candidates: Morgan Hill City Council, District A

The Nov. 5 general election is just over one month away, and many voters will begin filling out and returning their ballots by mail and in person next week.

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Meet Mark Turner, running for the District A seat on the Morgan Hill City Council in November.
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