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Chemistry latest – pretty much finished
The new quarter is upon us, it starts in a week. The quieter days of summer are over, and the busy busy is back. I'm usually well up for it, but I've enjoyed the slightly less stressful couple of ...
Big Brothers Big Sisters
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Tom Stallard’s first stint on the Woodland City Council came in 2011, when he was appointed to fill a vacant seat—though it was wasn’t his first service as an elected official. That came in 1996, when he won a seat on the Yolo County Board of Supervisor. In 2016, Stallard ran in Woodland’s first district elections, garnering 65 percent of the vote over fellow incumbent Jim Hilliard, who also lived in the newly drawn District 2.
Stallard has a passion for sustainability issues. In his work on the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, he developed a 50-year land-use strategy that encouraged smart growth development in the six-county Sacramento region. He has also served on more than 20 nonprofit boards.
In addition to his legal work, Stallard operates two businesses: Legislative Intent Service, which researches the background of statutory and regulatory law, and Rose Colored Glass Company, which rehabilitates historic commercial property.
Alma mater: UC Davis (bachelor’s degree in economics and a law degree).
Other positions include: Yolo County Board of Supervisors (1996-2004); founding secretary of the California State Library Foundation; founding president of the California State Archives Foundation; founder of the Woodland Sustainability Committee.
Board and committee appointments: Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission, Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Yolo County Transportation District, Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency, Valley Clean Energy Alliance, Woodland subcommittees on economic development and infrastructure.
Notable quote: “When you walk down Woodland’s Main Street, you can feel the authenticity. It’s the real deal. We’re not recreating history, we’re celebrating our strong sense of place built by the pioneers who lived here.” (Source: Sacramento Bee)
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