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Originally established as the Davis Audubon Society in 1972, the Yolo Audubon Society has remained dedicated to its mission over the years.

California Local Pin Marker Local Animals Digest

Bird Flu Infected Flock Confirmed in San Mateo


A local backyard poultry flock has been confirmed by San Mateo County health officials to have been infected with H5N1 bird flu. Read on for more information.

Bird Flu Infects San Mateo County Cat


Bird flu was detected in a stray cat in San Mateo County. Read on for more information.

California Local Pin Marker Recent Articles

Sacramento News and Review logo LOCAL NEWS
In the Wake of Washington Turmoil, U.C. Davis Hopes to See Federal Funding Continued for Delta Smelt Captive Breeding Program

By Dan Bacher The disinformation about the Delta Smelt spread by President Donald Trump and his Big Ag allies has deluged social media, as well as mainstream...

West Sacramento News Ledger logo LOCAL NEWS
Art Shapiro Does It Again: Wins Beer-for-a-Butterfly Contest

University of California, Davis distinguished professor emeritus Art Shapiro has done it again.Original article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger

West Sacramento Sun logo LOCAL NEWS
Bird Flu Detected in Yolo County

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu and influenza A (H5N1), has been detected in a backyard poultry flock in Yolo County, according to the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency and the Yolo County Agricultural Commissioner.

Local News Matters Stockton logo LOCAL NEWS
Where Are All the Eggs? Bird Flu’s Spread Not the Only Culprit in Crisis of Global Proportions

IF YOU HAVE tried to bake a cake recently, you might have had a hard time finding eggs. The empty shelves are a sign of the devastating impact of avian influenza, H5N1 or HPAI, on commercial poultry flocks in California.The …

San Jose Inside logo LOCAL NEWS
Widespread Cockfighting in CA Identified as Possible Source of Bird Flu Emergency

California may have more than a million fighting birds, according to the Center for a Humane Economy.

Sacramento News and Review logo LOCAL NEWS
Sites Reservoir in the Sacramento Valley Remains a Second Environmental Battlefront Between Newsom and California Tribes and Conservation Groups

By Dan Bacher Gavin Newsom continued his “California Jobs First” tour last week with a press event at a farm in Colusa in the Sacramento Valley where the...

Tahoe Daily Tribune logo LOCAL NEWS
Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Endangered Species Act Protection for Monarch Butterfly

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing protection for one of the nation's most beloved species the monarch butterfly and is encouraging the public to be part of its recovery. The Service is seeking public input on a proposal …

West Sacramento News Ledger logo LOCAL NEWS
Reclamation and DWR Celebrate Delta Restoration Project Launch

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and Bureau of Reclamation broke ground on a habitat restoration project in the Delta that, when completed, will help endangered species such as Delta smelt and Chinook salmon while supporting the long-term operation …

West Sacramento News Ledger logo LOCAL NEWS
Dinos Alive Roars Into West Sacramento

Have you ever wished you could step back in time and explore the power, majesty and magic of a world filled with dinosaurs? Now you can at Dinos Alive: An Immersive Experience in the heart of West Sacramento that opened …


RCDs look after the land, whether it’s used for grazing, growing, or getting out into nature.
California Dirt
RCDs were created to avoid a repeat of the Dust Bowl. Now they work with landowners to preserve the air, water and natural habitats that sustain us all.
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