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By Sharan Street
Published Dec 26, 2022

King tides and cloud-filled sunsets are signs that winter has come to Santa Cruz. King tides and cloud-filled sunsets are signs that winter has come to Santa Cruz. Image credit: Courtesy of Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History

12-26-22: Harbingers of Winter

Christmas trees, wreaths and mistletoe—these are common harbingers of Christmas. But they are also traditions closely tied to pagan rituals surrounding the winter solstice, many drawn from the ancient Viking festival known as of Yule. Here in Santa Cruz we have our own native species of evergreen—plus many other signs in the natural world that winter has begun.

Solstice Scenes

At California Local, we have a special way to mark each solstice and equinox. Science writer Kimberly Hickok uses these celestial milestones as a time to reach out to the folks at the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History for suggestions on what to watch for in each season. From king tides to monarch butterflies, the museum’s Marisa Gomez shares 10 winter wonders.

Exploring Wintertide

The winter solstice brings king tides, mating elephant seals and other natural wonders.
We asked the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History to throw a spotlight on the most intriguing natural phenomena during the darkest time of the year.

Feathering Nests at Home

Speaking of natural history, our publishing partner Sacramento Digs Gardening has an article by Kathy Morrison that will be of interest to backyard birding enthusiasts—even if they don’t live in the capital region. Morrison reports on how she created a bird-friendly oasis in her backyard, attracting many of the same species that can be found in our coastal region. (But for local help identifying birds, look instead to the Santa Cruz Bird Club, which offers a wide array of online resources.)

A lively natural habitat includes birds

A pair of lesser goldfinches dine at a mixed-seed feeder. Birds need more energy in winter to survive the cold.
Feathered friends need food help in winter

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