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By Sharan Street
Published Jan 30, 2023

We can all make an impact in reducing our species’ carbon footprint. We can all make an impact in reducing our species’ carbon footprint. Image credit: Leka Sergeeva   Shutterstock

01-30-23: Greener Together

Though January is almost in the rear view window, it’s still close enough to the beginning of the year to think about breaking old habits and picking up new ones. That desire to make positive changes got us to thinking about the city of Santa Cruz’s new Climate Action Plan 2030, adopted by the Santa Cruz City Council back in September, which aims to get the city operating as a carbon-neutral entity by 2035. These plans are being prepared around the state, spurred by a state-government-level mandate.

When the plan came out, local news website offered a detailed report and also made the city’s 147-page plan available online.

As a starting point, it outlines the many goals that city officials must pursue—promoting efficient energy use, protecting natural resources, eliminating food waste, and building “people-centric transportation infrastructure”—while also ensuring “equity in all policies.”

Much of the plan focuses on those goals for local government entities. But the last section, titled “Call to Action,” outlines how all of us—individual renters, homeowners and property owners, business owners and employers, and commercial and residential developers—can do our part.

Sins of Emission

The climate crisis may seem like an unstoppable juggernaut. But every day we are faced with decisions in our own lives that offer a chance to tread more lightly on the earth. California Local writer Ray Delgado offers up a short list of simple—though not necessarily easy—steps we can take.

Small Steps in the Right Direction

Ever little bit helps in the fight against climate change.
Don’t just be a spectator in the fight against climate change. Here are some small steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.

Thoughts for Food

On the topic of sustainability, myriad issues relating to food make a big impact on the environment. This is no small issue in California—the top agricultural producer in the United States. But the state is also a leader in sustainable agriculture and food production practices. Here are a few innovations, including alternatives to meat and milk.

Sustainable Sustenance

Dairy products are California’s top agricultural commodity, but the industry is often criticized for its impact on the environment.
California is a leading producer of agricultural crops. So it’s not surprising to find cutting-edge ideas taking root here.

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