Happy Monday, Team CALocal supporters! This week, I bring you evidence that WE are WINNING.
By WE, I mean those of us who believe in democracy, and are working together to find ways to protect and improve our means of self-governance. (I realize there’s also evidence this week that this system is breaking down—you can find that elsewhere in your news feed. True, sadly, but NOT the whole story.)
By WINNING—I point to three good and true things.
1: Big news (for big fans of self governance): The state of California is launching a “digital democracy” tool that will allow all of us to participate in policy-making in new ways. More on this below.
2: A report from the Nieman Lab about “emergent civic media systems,” showing that local outlets are proliferating nationwide that make it easier for citizens to find information about their communities.
3: News about “a policy agenda for local news that treats public-interest journalism and civic information like the public goods they are” by “infusing values of community, equity and sustainability into policy.”
Of course, as always, you can find cool stuff about a local nonprofit community group, and a recipe, just a scroll downscreen AND: Unless you follow every news source in your county (we do), you are likely to learn something interesting and maybe important in our News Digest, which is also just down there a little ways.