We have a slightly humorous tradition in our family: At the beginning of every season, one of us will say something like, “Winter in California is amazing, and I’m going to miss going up to the snow—but spring really is the best season.” Or "yeah sure summer is fun with the swimming and all, but ahhh the colors of fall—obviolusly the best season."
I realize this is not all that funny, but what makes it a little bit funny (to us) is that we say it at the beginning of every single season, and have been doing so for many years. And we kind of mean it every single time. Because every new season holds the promise that it'll be better than the last.
This winter, as you know, was cold and wet. I am a nature-worshiping Californian who’s been living through a deadly drought, so I stopped complaining about the rain more than a decade ago … until this year. Last week’s warm sun and long evenings made me feel better than I have felt in months.
So: In this week’s edition of The Newsletter, four things, all related to the very best season: Spring!