If you really look, you will find some good things are happening in California.
You probably haven't spent much of every workday for the past 27 years paying attention to local culture and politics in some part of California. I have. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying, that is what I do, and it is a pretty satisfying endeavor. It surprises many people when I share my opinion that for the most part, this state is in much better shape than it was when I started working here.
In our new book, How California Works: Building Democracy in the Golden State, we have collected 47 Explainers that author Jonathan Vankin wrote for California Local over the past three years (updated for the book) that entertainingly detail the nuts-and-bolts story of how our state functions. Together, they tell a tale that might surprise you in a good way.
Our Brand New Book Tells Some Good, True Stories
After many months of preparation, our new book, by the award-winning journalist and author Jonathan Vankin, is finally available. Get your copy today and discover how, just as California leads the world in technology via Silicon Valley, and in popular culture via Hollywood, etc., the Golden State leads the world in public policy. Way less sexy for sure, but possibly way more important.
Buy it on Amazon today!
How California Works: an Editors' Note
True stories about how, at its best, California has resisted and pushed back against anti-democratic forces. The histories and policies, deeply human characters, and controversies that have led us to where we are today.
If You're Not in Awe, You're Not Paying Attention
In his first blog post for this project, Chris Neklason, our CEO and product dude, described how building California Local's underlying technology and database turned him into a local-politics optimimist. “The genius of democracy is that it's a political system well suited for people to collectively make things better. Yeah, it's messy, it's imperfect, it's clunky. But it works.”
This week, having spent a couple months paying close attention to news from around the state, Chris returns to the subject.
A bill to ban homeless encampments statewide near parks, schools and transit hubs failed to get out of the same legislative committee as last year.
(05/29/2024) CalMatters
An alignment known as a “planetary parade” will march across night skies starting June 3.
(05/28/2024) Los Angeles Times
It’s time for the folks in California’s Capitol to play let’s-make-a-deal – or actually, many deals.
(05/28/2024) CalMatters
After University of California students were arrested or suspended for protests, student workers are striking at three campuses. The Office of President says the strike violates the union contract.
(05/28/2024) CalMatters
Two major forces are at play: Gov. Gavin Newsom scaled back his promise of increased financial support for Cal State, while university officials agreed to 5% salary increases earlier this year.
(05/27/2024) CalMatters
California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, flew more 6,000 miles to Rome this month to deliver a brief speech on climate change at a Vatican-sponsored conference.
(05/27/2024) CalMatters
California lawmakers voted to offer an official apology for the state’s role in supporting slavery and moved several reparations bills but let others die.
(05/24/2024) CalMatters
It’s been almost a half-century since I first heard the term “peripheral canal” uttered by William Gianelli, who was then-Gov. Ronald Reagan’s top water official. The project, in one form or another, had already been kicking around for decades.
(05/23/2024) CalMatters
As funds for climate change programs are cut, Democrats and environmentalists are pushing for a bond measure on the ballot to restore some funding.
(05/22/2024) CalMatters