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State’s highest court refuses to overturn voter-backed Prop. 22, a law written by the gig industry allowing some independent contractors.


Changes are underway one year after scathing audits showed how the California State University system failed to handle reports of sexual discrimination, harassment and assault in its Title IX offices.


With President Joe Biden's announcement that he won’t seek reelection and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, some California Democratic delegates quickly went along.


When President Joe Biden attempted to slam the door shut on Democrats’ pleas for him to withdraw, it was former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who subtly, but very publicly nudged the door back open.


Public chargers must be built at an unprecedented pace to meet the target in less than seven years, and then doubled to two million in 2035. The high cost of $120,000 or more for one fast charger is just one …


California courts have long upheld below-minimum wage pay for prison inmates working a wide range of jobs. A 2024 ballot measure that would ban forced prisoner labor could change that.


Is Vice President Kamala Harris on track to be the first Democratic president from California?


Former Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Capt. James Jensen was convicted of felony bribery and conspiracy charges, and the same jury acquitted co-defendant Harpaul Nahal, a Santa Clara attorney, of both charges.


The Supreme Court’s decision on homelessness will test a California shelter system that’s full of problems – and lacking accountability.


Bond proceeds would pay for street, fire station, police, parks, storm drain and historic building projects across the city.


The challenge we face now is how to make sure our voices are still being heard.


These new numbers continue the trends set by Sam Liccardo in the first quarter, and are sharp indicators of the uphill battle that Evan Low faces in his bid for the prized Silicon Valley congressional seat.

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