Our media allies keep the community informed, and our community allies make the community better.
Our partners support and sustain our work.
Strategic Partners
California Local Media Alliance
Our Media Allies are local newsrooms which keep you informed so you can more effectively citizen. Consider becoming a member and subscriber of a local newsroom in your community.
Local journalism needs your support.
For more information regarding the benefits of becoming a California Local Media Alliance member, please contact Michael Gelbman at mike@californialocal.com.
Community Allies
We want to help you tell your story.
Our partners include community groups and government agencies who need to get the word out.
Let us know how we can help your organization tell its story.
Questions? Email us.
California Local is an online community that connects local citizens with elected officials and community groups, and is grounded in journalism that tells the stories of those communities.
How the Media Aiiance works.
We understand that the best local news coverage is created by journalists who possess working knowledge of their communities. In the California Local Media Alliance, we promote the work of local news outlets, at zero cost to Alliance members, with zero effort required.
• We create a branded page for each Media Alliance member where we feature photos, headlines and blurbs from their latest articles with links to the original posts. Note: We never, ever “re-publish” (steal) our members’ articles.
• We select a number of articles every day to feature on our homepage and elsewhere on our extensive web site.
• We select a handful of articles every day to feature on our social media channels.
The only thing we are asking from you is permission to access and publish your RSS feed. (See below.)
We will not sell advertising on your page unless you choose to participate in our revenue sharing plan.
If you choose the rev-share option, you receive half of the revenue from anything we sell.
If you want to sell to your page on California Local, you receive 90 percent of that revenue.
Run California Local’s original content for free.
Staffed by veteran journalists and media executives, California Local produces original content in the form of statewide news—often of goings-on in Sacramento—and Explainers that put the daily news in context.
These articles are free to Alliance members, who are asked to follow these simple rules:
We’re building the California Local Media Alliance to help people discover important things about their communities; connect with local leaders and each other; and act by positively participating in their self-governance.
Questions? Email us.
Become a Community Ally.
Use our free online tools to:
Questions? Email us.