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How has the attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump’s life affected delegates at this convention?
Chris Krohn and Isabel O’Malley-Krohn confront several Republican delegates to talk to about how the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 14th in …


Bahia Brunelle shares her connection with Vogue Lanes.


The political events and strategizing within the Republican National Convention have been taking place at lightening speed in the aftermath of an assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump’s at a rally in Bethel, Pennsylvania. The current …


Dominique Teixiera has a good reason for raggin' on.
Photo courtesy of Karolina Kaboompics.


In this episode of Talk of the Bay, hosts Meilin Obinata and Reggie Meisler dive into public records controversies in Atlanta and Santa Cruz in the world of cop cities popping up around the USA in the time after George …


Are you ready for a dream revolution? If our guest Dr. Catherine Shainberg reads it right, this could be as big as the 16th century reformation. In this replay from 2022, Catherine starts by describing how she was told as …


"In the next six years, one of the biggest wealth transfers this country has ever seen is happening. And by 2030, women are going to control $30 trillion in this economy."


The late Sigrid McLaughlin shares a night of fear.
Photo courtesy of Vincent M.A. Janssen.


Note from this episode's host, Meilin Obinata
Last week, David Sacks addressed the crowd at the Republican National Convention 2024 in Milwaukee, an event our Talk of the Bay host Chris Krohn has been covering [LINKS COMING SOON]. I strongly …


COMING ATTRACTION – TOMORROW! On Talk of the Bay, Monday, July 22nd, 5PM, Reggie Meisler and Meilin Obinata are diving into fights over public records in Atlanta and in Santa Cruz. Why are public records so important? Join us as …


Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, July 22nd, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present the fourth installment of the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series, “Romantic Total Revolution: The Democracy Of Soul & The Goddess Of Liberty,” in honor of Independence Day for …


“Winging It: Improve’s Power & Peril in the Time of Trump” 
 “Be Bold America!” Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 5:00pm (PT)
In the new century, we’re all winging it now. – Stephen Nachmanovitch,
The new book “Winging It: Improve's Power …

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