Podcast Episodes

Ep 103 Meet The Capitola City Council Candidates 11.04.22 Published Nov. 4, 2022, 8:47 a.m.

In today’s episode we meet the five candidates for Capitola City Council. They are Yvette Lopez Brooks, Joe Clarke, Enrique Dolmo Jr., Gerry Jensen and Alexander Pedersen. The five candidates are running for three seats. They appear before Capitola voters on the Nov. 8 ballot.

We explain what a council member does. Then we press the candidates on the issues important to Capitola residents.

Read the transcript with links to our related stories. https://santacruzlocal.org/

Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide: https://tinyurl.com/ep-103-guide

Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide for Capitola City Council: https://santacruzlocal.org/election/2022-nov-08/capitola-city-council/

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Ep 102 Meet the candidates for Santa Cruz mayor 11.4.22 Published Nov. 4, 2022, 7:22 a.m.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. For the first time, Santa Cruz voters will choose a mayor. We meet the two candidates: Joy Schendledecker and Fred Keeley.

We explain the new format for Santa Cruz City Council elections and the new mayoral role. Then we press the candidates on the issues important to Santa Cruz residents.

Read the transcript with links to our related stories. https://santacruzlocal.org/

Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide. https://tinyurl.com/ep-102-election-guide

Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide for Santa Cruz City Council: https://tinyurl.com/ep-102-sc-guide

Santa Cruz Local is supported by its members. Join us! Keep local journalism strong with a membership today. https://tinyurl.com/ep-102-membership

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Ep 101 Meet the Santa Cruz City Council District 6 candidates 11.4.22 Published Nov. 4, 2022, 7:20 a.m.

We meet two candidates for Santa Cruz City Council: Renee Golder and Sean Maxwell. They’re running for the District 6 seat on the Nov. 8 ballot.

You’ll vote in the District 6 council race if you live in these areas: areas of the Lower Westside west of Younglove Avenue and Columbia Street; areas along Western Drive; and a western part of the UC Santa Cruz main campus.

We explain what a council member does. Then we press the candidates on the issues important to Santa Cruz residents.

Read the transcript with links to our related stories. https://santacruzlocal.org/

Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide. https://tinyurl.com/ep-101-election-guide

Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide for Santa Cruz City Council with map of District 4: https://tinyurl.com/ep-101-map

Santa Cruz Local is supported by its members. Join us! Keep local journalism strong with a membership today. https://tinyurl.com/ep-101-membership

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Ep. 100 Meet the Santa Cruz City Council District 4 candidates 10.25.22 Published Oct. 25, 2022, 9:33 a.m.

We meet three candidates for Santa Cruz City Council: Hector Marin, Gregory Hyver and Scott Newsome. They’re running for the District 4 seat on the Nov. 8 ballot.

You’ll vote in the District 4 council race if you live in these areas: Downtown; Beach Flats; part of the Upper Westside, east of Bay Street and south of High Street; and areas along Mission Street generally east of Laurent Street.

We explain what a council member does. Then we press the candidates on the issues important to Santa Cruz residents.

Read the transcript with links to our related stories. https://tinyurl.com/ep-100-transcript

Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide. https://tinyurl.com/election-guide-ep-100

Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide for Santa Cruz City Council with map of District 4: https://santacruzlocal.org/election/2022-nov-08/santa-cruz-city-council/

Santa Cruz Local is supported by its members. Join us! Keep local journalism strong with a membership today. https://tinyurl.com/ep-100-membership

Make a one-time donation to Santa Cruz Local’s newsroom. https://tinyurl.com/ep-100-donate

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Ep. 99 Meet the Scotts Valley City Council candidates 10.24.22 Published Oct. 25, 2022, 9:02 a.m.

In the Nov. 8 election, Scotts Valley voters will choose two city council members. In today’s episode we’ll learn about the role of a council member. Then we’ll meet the three candidates: Derek Timm, Allan Timms and Jim Reed. Santa Cruz Local presses the candidates on the issues important to Scotts Valley residents.

In the Nov. 8 election, Scotts Valley voters will choose two city council members. In today’s episode we’ll learn about the role of a council member. Then we’ll meet the three candidates: Derek Timm, Allan Timms and Jim Reed. Santa Cruz Local presses the candidates on the issues important to Scotts Valley residents.

Read the transcript with links to our related stories. https://tinyurl.com/ep-99-transcript

Read Santa Cruz Local’s Election Guide. https://tinyurl.com/SCL-election-guide

Santa Cruz Local is supported by its members. Join us! Keep local journalism strong with a membership today. https://tinyurl.com/ep-99-membership

Make a one-time donation to Santa Cruz Local’s newsroom. https://tinyurl.com/donate-ep-99

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