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All About Map Layer Administration

  •   PUBLISHED APR 27, 2022 4:36 A.M.
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Maps are fun.

Maps are fun.

Maps are a good way of sharing information about the places in the local community, and we maintain a directory of local maps.

We also encorage members of the community to contribute their own maps, using our map layer administration tool.

This document explains how to use our map tools.

1. What's a map layer?

A map layer consists of a set of route segments and map features to be displayed on a map, possibly with other layers. 

A map of the county might display a layer with all of the local dog parks along with a layer displaying all of the public restrooms, etc.

2. How can I start my own map layer or contribute to an existing map layer?

You can start a thread in the California Local General Discussion with a proposal for your new map layer.

Your proposed map layer should be of general interest to the community, and once started, needs to be maintained to keep it current and correct.

If you'd like to contribute to an existing map layer, look for the link to the online discussion topic specific to the map layer, and start a thread there.  You can contribute by being invited to joing the map layer owners or administrators team, or by sharing information in the discussion which the team can use to update the map layer.

3. What's a route segment?

A route segment is a line on a map with the following attributes:

  • Segment path - the list of longitude/latitude coordinates of the vertices of the path
  • Mode - one of: automobile, automobile & bicycle, bicycle, bicycle & pedestrian, pedestrian, horse
  • Level of traffic stress - a number between 1 - 4, denoting the "traffic stress" experienced along the route, i.e. how much caution does one need to exercise while traversing the route? The normal amount (1) or an extreme amount (4)?
  • Title - the title of the route segment, displayed when the segment is clicked on a map
  • Description - the description of the route segment, displayed when the segment is clicked on a map
  • More information URL - displayed when the segment is clicked on a map - when clicked, will open a brower view to the indicated URL
  • External URL - whether or not the URL is to an site external to California Local


4. How do I add a new route segment?

Go to the map layer administration tool from your member profile. 

Once there, display the Admin tab in the right column.

A screen capture of the map layer administrative dashboard.

Click on the New Route Segment button to display the form to enter the information for the new route segment.

A screen shot of the route segment data entry form.

Use the form to fill in the information about the route segment. The title and description are required. Select the mode and traffic level and stress from the dropdown menus in the form.

Use the drawing tools in the top right center of the map panel to draw the route segment on the map.

A screen shot highlighting the location of the map drawing tools.

Click on the jagged line button in the drawing controls to start drawing, then position your cursor over the location on the map you wish to start the segment and click. Every click will add a line from the last click. When done, click the hand button in the drawing controls. 

A screenshot of a completed route segment.

Note the segment is draggable, so you can fine tune it before completing and saving the form.

If it's not perfect, don't worry, you can always edit it later.

5. How do I edit a route segment?

Sign in to your California Local account, and from your member profile, click on the Admin Map Layer button in the listing for your map layer to display the administraton tools.

Your map layer is displayed in the map panel, click on the route segment you wish to edit to display the segment information window. Click on the Edit link to display the route segment editor. 

The same form and map are displayed as when you add a route segment, with the exception that the map panel has no drawing controls. Instead, the segment you wish to edit is highlighted and editable, meaning you can drag it around to reposition it.

You can also use the form to update the title, description, mode, level of traffic stress and other information about the route segment.

6. How do I remove a route segment?

Only California Local staff or map layer owners can remove items from map layers.

This is done by editing the route segment, and selecting Remove from the status dropdown menu. When the form is saved, the route segment is removed from the map layer.

7. What's a map feature?

A map feature is represented as a marker on the map.

Map features have the following attributes:

  • Feature type - from a list, determines what icon is used for the map marker
  • Title - displayed when the map feature is clicked
  • Description - displayed when the map feature is clicked
  • More Information URL - displayed when the map feature is clicked, as a clickable link
  • External URL - if the more information URL is a site external to California Local
  • Longitude
  • Latitude

8. How do I add a new map feature?

Sign in to your California Local account, go to the map layer administration tool from your member profile. 

Once there, display the Admin tab in the right column, and click the New Map Feature button.

Screen capture image of the map layer administrative dashboard.

This will display the Add Map Feature form. Note the map drawing tools in the top center of the map panel.

A screenshot of the add map feature form.

Click on the marker icon in the drawing tools on the map panel, then click your cursor on the map where you want to place the marker.

An edit marker will appear where you clicked. You can drag it into a more precise position until satisfied. 

When the marker is set and the form complete, click on the Save Changes button on the form to save your changes and return to the map administration tool.

9. How do I edit an existing map feature?

Sign in to your California Local account, and from your member profile, click on the Admin Map Layer button in the listing for your map layer to display the administraton tools.

When your map layer is displayed in the map panel, click on the map feature you wish to edit to display the feature information window. Click on the Edit link to display the map feature editor. 

The same form and map are displayed as when you add a map feature, with the exception that the map panel has no drawing controls. Instead, the feature you wish to edit is highlighted with an edit marker, and you can drag it around to reposition it.

You can also use the form to update the title, description,  and other information about the map feature.

Once you are satisfied with the changes, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes and return to the map layer administration tool.

10. How do I remove a map feature?

Only California Local staff or map layer owners can remove items from map layers.

This is done by editing the map feature, and selecting Remove from the status dropdown menu. When the form is saved, the map feature is removed from the map layer.


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