Statewide Region Explainer Articles

Image caption: Audrey Tang is bringing her revolutionary online civic engagement tool to California.
Engaged California Aims for ‘Rough Consensus’

The state’s new digital deliberation platform, modeled by a Taiwanese champion of democracy, is meant to fight polarization with conversation.

Image caption: Braver Angels members discuss election reform.
Bridging the Great Divide

In a time of unprecedented polarization, Braver Angels encourages citizens to do something completely revolutionary: listen to each other.

Image caption: Ryan Coonerty, co-host of the podcast "An Honorable Profession," and Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson, whom he calls "my vice-mayor."
Little Santa Cruz Beats Big Sugar

SC Vice Mayor Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson on centering health in policy making, and her path to politics.

Image caption: Yeah, it might feel like that but it (probably, mostly) isn't true.
Most Local Elected Officials Work Hard for Low Pay

Recent votes to give California's mayors and council members pay raises have led to criticism. Is it justified?

Image caption: The first all-electric school bus in the state of California pausing outside the California Capitol building in Sacramento, way back in March, 2014.
How California K-12 Public Education Works

The most populous state in the union has the largest public education system. We explain how it works.

Image caption: A Pyrocumulus cloud generated by the Dixie Fire in July, 2021.
What is Fire 'Containment?' That and Other Terms, Explained

What does it mean when firefighters call a fire "contained?" Here's a brief guide to commonly used fire prevention terminology.

Image caption: Founded as a business organization in 1915, the Kiwanis Club now serves millions of children worldwide.
Doing Good: Kiwanis International

Founded as a business organization in 1915, the Kiwanis Club now serves millions of children worldwide.

Image caption: Lions Club International is made up of more than a million individuals and operates across the globe, including in Quezon City, Philippines.
Doing Good: Lions Clubs International

In the wake of the First World War, a group of business leaders built an international organization of more than 1,000 local service clubs in less than a decade. It has grown to be one of the biggest philanthropic organizations …

Image caption: The Elks honor their fallen comrades at every meeting and social event with a toast: 'To our absent brothers."
Doing Good: The Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks

What happens when a 19th century drinking club becomes an enduring force for good? We explain.

Image caption:
Crowdsourcing Plans for Resilience

Seacliff State Beach was obliterated by storms in 2023. California State Parks is mobilizing the public to reimagine its future.

Image caption: The newest of the 17 U.S. marine sanctuaries is being stewarded by the people who know it best.
The Chumash National Marine Sanctuary

Thousands of square miles of ocean and coastal habitat are now preserved for future generations.

Image caption: Hundreds of soldiers came together in Paris in 1919 to build something bigger than the sum of its parts.
Doing Good: The American Legion

The organization responsible for the GI Bill and Veterans Day continues to help service members, veterans, and their families.

Image caption: A sign for the Rotary Summit Center in San Jose, California.
Doing Good: Rotary International

The first service club is over 100 years old and still doing good in the world.

Image caption: Municipal bonds built the Redwood Shores water treatment plant in Redwood City, California.
How California Governments Borrow Money

Municipal bonds fund water systems, school buildings, parks, police stations and other public projects that require voter-approved money.

Image caption: A portrait of the first Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters in Chicago in 1920.
Doing Good: The League of Women Voters

The decades of work to win the right to vote for women was only the beginning.

Image caption: Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr., a staunch defender of voting rights.
The Attack on the Popular Vote

In more than 30 states, it’s harder than ever to vote this year. But in California, it’s never been easier.

Image caption: Sign for  Baliuag Lodge No. 301 - Soroptimist International (Pan-Philippine Highway, San Rafael, Bulacan)
Doing Good: Soroptimist International

Making a better world for women and preparing women to make a better world.

Image caption: Welcome to town. Here's how you can pitch in!
The Changing Nature of Doing Good

The legacy of ‘service clubs’ such as Soroptomists and Rotary lives on in a new generation of social clubs and volunteer organizations.

Image caption: A smoky blanket of particulate matter hovers over San Francisco’s skyline.
Getting Acquainted With AQI

Learn what's getting into Californians’ lungs and why it matters.

Image caption: The county budget process is complex, involving a lot of moving parts. And holy cow, a lot of money.
Follow the Money: How California Counties Draft Their Annual Budgets

The total combined revenues and expenditures of California's 58 counties are astronomical. And getting astronomicaler every year.


Long form articles which explain how something works, or provide context or background information about a current issue or topic.