Image of County of San Luis Obispo seal. 

County of San Luis Obispo Overview

Overview     Board of Supervisors        News Articles & Digest     Salaries

Address:   1055 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408


The County of San Luis Obispo is a general law form of government, which means that certain aspects of how the county works and is organized are dictated by state law. County departments and agencies provide more than 700 public services, including law enforcement, animal control, flu shots, transportation planning, foster care, and more. Some services—including law enforcement, road maintenance, and land-use planning—are provided only to unincorporated areas, while others are an extension of state and are also available to city residents.

San Luis Obispo County’s approximately 3,300 square miles and 100 miles of coastline are divided into five districts, each represented by an elected official who serves on the San Luis County Board of Supervisors. Residents also elect five department heads: assessor, auditor-controller-treasurer-tax collector, clerk-recorder, district attorney, and sheriff-coroner.

The county administrative officer is appointed by the San Luis County Board of Supervisors and has responsibility for managing the operations of county departments and preparing the county budget. The county counsel is also appointed by the board and has responsibility for providing legal counsel to the board.

Image for County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors

Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors generally meets at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Meetings are open to the public and are broadcast on television (cable channel 21) and SLO Span’s online streaming.

Image for County of San Luis Obispo Planning Commission

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is a five-member body appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Meetings are open to the public. Live broadcasts are available for viewing on television (cable channel 21) and SLO Span’s online streaming.

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