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State of California California State Assembly Assemblymember Jim Frazier

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Address:   1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Picture of Jim Frazier

Assemblymember Jim Frazier

CA Assembly 11

The 61-year-old Frazier enters his sixth term in the state legislature without ever having faced serious opposition in his district. He won his most recent re-election on Nov. 3, 2020, by almost 30 points over Republican challenger Debra Schwab, collecting 149,304 of 230,678 votes.

This came despite Frazier having some difficulty in recent years of getting legislation passed through both the Assembly and State Senate and earning an F on the People’s Report Card of California at “To study Jim Frazier is to be constantly amazed — not just at the abysmal voting record in which he relentlessly sides with corporations and lobbyists over ordinary folks, but at the breathtaking brazenness of his behavior,” the site noted.


A former small-business owner, Frazier lives in Discovery Bay, a golf resort community in Contra Costa County. He is divorced and a father of two.


Governmental Organization (chair)
Military and Veterans Affairs
Subcommittee for Budget No. 1 on Health and Human Services

Select Legislation

AB 145: High-speed rail has been moving toward becoming a reality in California, albeit with many hiccups and political snags. Among them: Frazier introduced a bill in December 2018 requiring Senate confirmation for members of the High Speed Rail Authority appointed by California’s governor. Currently, five of the 11 members are gubernatorial appointees. The bill passed resoundingly in the Assembly, but died in the State Senate in August 2020.

AB 284: Another bill of Frazier’s that failed to make it into law would have extended the eligibility period for junior hunting licenses. Introduced in January 2019, it passed an Assembly committee vote, crossed over to the State Senate, and then died in February 2020.

AB 98: One of Frazier’s latest bills, introduced Dec. 9, 2020, would require the California Department of Aging to establish a three-year pilot program in Contra Costa, Napa, and Solano counties “to facilitate the reuse and redistribution of durable medical equipment and other home health supplies.”

District Boundaries and Office Locations

Frazier’s sprawling district spans Solano County and parts of Contra Costa and Sacramento counties. It includes the cities of Rio Vista, Isleton, Antioch, Fairfield, and Vacaville. Click here to schedule a meeting.

  • Capitol office: State Capitol, PO Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0011. Tel: (916) 319-2011. Fax: (916) 319-2111.

  • District office: 1261 Travis Blvd, Suite 110, Fairfield, CA 94533. Tel: (707) 399-3011. Fax: (707) 399-3030.

  • District office: Brentwood City Hall, 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, CA 94513-1164. Tel: (925) 513-0411. Fax: (925) 513-3511.

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