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State of California California State Assembly Assemblymember Mark Stone

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Address:   1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814

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Picture of Mark Stone

Assemblymember Mark Stone

CA Assembly 29

In the California State Assembly since 2012, Mark Stone has earned a reputation as a fighter for vulnerable individuals and communities. Key areas of focus for Stone include public safety, foster care, prisons, and the environment.

Currently, Stone serves as chair of the assembly’s judiciary committee, reviewing legislation for a variety of issues including family law, tort liability and immunity, and civil practice. He’s also written laws to protect the civil rights of LGBT+ community members, sexually exploited youths, and immigrants.

Stone won his fifth term in the November 2020 election.


Stone worked as an attorney in the tech industry prior to entering public service. From there, Stone represented the Central Coast in a variety of capacities before his election to the state assembly in 2012.

Stone served two terms on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and also has served on the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, First 5 Commission, and Scotts Valley School Board. In addition, he served as vice chair of the California Coastal Commission. Among his local accomplishments, Stone led a Santa Cruz-area effort to ban single-use plastic bags.

Born in 1957, Stone has a bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley and a juris doctorate from Santa Clara University. He lives in Scotts Valley with his wife, Kathy, has two adult children, and is an avid open water swimmer, according to his official website.


Banking and Finance
Budget Subcommittee No. 5 on Public Safety
Human Services
Joint Committee, Fisheries and Aquaculture (vice chair)
Judiciary (chair)
Natural Resources
Select Committee, Coastal Protection and Access to Natural Resources (chair)

Select Legislation

AB 376, the Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights: A member of Stone’s staff told California Local that this bill would be the first of its kind in the nation. The bill was approved by the governor in September 2020.

AB 436, San Lorenzo River: This law, approved by the governor in 2017, authorizes state funding to help with flood control of the San Lorenzo River, when federal funds weren’t available.

AB 1214, Juvenile proceedings: competency: Stone also authored this law, which increased requirements for competency hearings for juvenile defendants. It was signed into law in September 2018.

District Boundaries and Office Locations

Stone’s district includes sections of Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey counties. As such, he has the following offices:

• Capitol office: State Capitol, PO Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 95814. Phone: (916) 319-2029. Fax: (916) 319-2129.

• Santa Cruz County district office: 701 Ocean St, 318-B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Phone: (831) 425-1503. Fax: (831) 425-2570.

• Monterey County district office: 99 Pacific St, Suite 575-G, Monterey, CA 93940. Phone: (831) 649-2832. Fax: (831) 649-2935.

• Santa Clara County: Stone doesn’t operate an office within this county, though residents may call district staff at (408) 782-0647.

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