Picture of Kollin Kosmicki

Supervisor Kollin Kosmicki

District 2


(831) 636-4000; cell: (831) 207-0077; fax: (831) 636-4010


Elected to his first supervisorial term in 2020, Kollin Kosmicki represents the western edge of San Benito County along with neighborhoods in southeast Hollister. Kosmicki was editor and founder of San Benito Live, a website dedicated to telling stories about local arts, culture, and communities. With his background in journalism, Kosmicki plans to promote Pinnacles National Park as a beacon for tourism. To that end, he also plans to expand highways 156 and 25. Having no prior background in athletics, Kosmicki took on the job as head football coach with Anzar High School when the program was on the verge of being canceled. He lives with his wife Cecilia and son Brandon outside San Juan Bautista.

First elected: Nov. 3, 2020

Alma mater: University of Wisconsin-Madison (bachelor’s degree, journalism)

Notable quote: “The vast majority of San Benito County residents, at least in supervisorial District 2, are fed up with the rampant pace of growth here and now they have a chance to do something about it.” (Source: BenitoLink.com)

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