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By Levi Sumagaysay for CalMatters With more California homeowners just discovering their insurance policies are getting canceled — and hundreds of thousands of others stuck...


By Madison Flewellyn When millennials complain that they cannot afford a house, “work harder” is often the response of older generations. So, are millennials lazy? Or...


By Jessica Laskey Change is hard. For arts leaders engaged in the delicate act of passing the torch to the next generation, it can be...


By Hannah Ross Liz Lorand Williams, policy manager for Downtown Sacramento Partnership, has worked to advocate on behalf of the downtown community for the last...


By Maureen Ojiambo A growing number of international students are arriving in Sacramento to attend college – and many are facing similar struggles. Data from...


By Evan Malmgren for the Economic Hardship Reporting Project This piece is co-published with permission from the Economic Hardship Reporting Project. The Hoopa Fire Department...


By Chris Nichols for Capital Public Radio A unique affordable housing community called Cornerstone opened last week in South Sacramento, offering everything from services for...


By Eddie Jorgensen San Diego’s Glass Spells had been booked as support for Missing Persons at Harlow’s in early February, but the entire show was...


Children and teenagers have been through a lot the past few years, with the disruption and isolation that was COVID, on top of family stress or trauma that can be present any time. Sacramento County Office of Education is focused …


After speaking at U.C. Davis, Stanford professor and ‘Entitled Opinions’ host discusses being a voice some are turning to as the human experience goes haywire...


Downtown Sacramento definitely needs a post-pandemic jumpstart, now that fewer government employees work there. What can be done to bring more people back to work,...


Supporters say harvesting trees would thin out the state’s overgrown forests; critics say the wood pellets for heating produce more carbon than coal. By John...


By Hannah Ross Mia Lopez graduates next week. The communications analyst for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments will be graduating with a Bachelor of...


By Eddie Jorgensen   For years, Brad Jordan has been widely known as a member of gangster rap group, Geto Boys, who achieved notoriety during...


Findings from the sixth Arts & Economic Prosperity (AEP6) study revealed  By Cristian Gonzalez The sixth Arts & Economic Prosperity (AEP6) study revealed that the...


By Electronic Frontier Foundation and MuckRock We're taught in school about checks and balances between the various branches of government, but those lessons tend to...


By Scott Thomas Anderson For people acquainted with the real Gavin Newsom, the start of March felt a bit like the movie “Groundhog Day.”Just weeks before California’s...


By Nick Brunner The issues of lack of housing affordability and availability are likely to hover around Sacramento for some time, but there’s no shortage...


The strings have settled for One Eyed Reilly performer who now ‘moves into another expression of being’ By Casey Rafter The Irish have a toast...


By Alyssa Earnest For Nuala Kennedy, community, tradition and her home are the threads that weave the music she creates. After moving from Ireland to...

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