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By Keyshawn Davis In 1999, Black staff working in California’s Capitol developed a program to make Black elected officials and staff more accessible to the...


By David A. Kulczyk The summer of 1913 was one of the hottest summers in California history. On July 10, the thermometer hit 134 degrees...


Though most Americans think the rich don’t pay their fair share, conservatives still want to lower their taxes. By Marcus Baram, Capital & Main In...


By Helen Harlan It’s 6 p.m. on a Thursday at the Sacramento Turn Verein and it’s hot outside — 110 degrees as Sacramento is still...


By Tom Scott In recent weeks, California’s legislative leaders came together, worked with the Governor, and agreed to pass much needed reforms to the Private Attorney...


By Krista Minard In East Sacramento, on a narrow avenue of small, single-story homes, a transformation is underway. An 82-year-old bungalow is becoming the new...


In late June, a Sacramento County Judge ruled that the California Department of Water Resources, or DWR, had to suspend its efforts to conduct geotechnical...


California young adults probe the conflict between bots and humans in their podcast “The Creative Code.” By Yuri Nagano, Capital & Main This story is...


By Scott Thomas Anderson Sometimes my fellow Gen X-ers lament Sacramento losing the uniquely eccentric vibe that defined it in the 1990s and early 2000s,...


Expensive per-minute fees make calls unaffordable for many migrant detainees, who can earn as little as $1 a day working in ICE facilities. By Kate...


By Steve Martarano Sacramento’s newest outdoor music venue wasn’t deterred from making a successful debut with an all-day emo-pop music festival, despite the 110-plus degree...


By Ken Magri Once a week, UC Davis students, many of them medical majors, team up with an attending physician to offer free medical services...

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