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By Eric Johnson
Published Feb 24, 2025

California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick speaking at Fresno City College, where he has taught for 26 years.
California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick speaking at Fresno City College, where he has taught for 26 years.
Image credit: Photo by Mark Tabay   Courtesy Lee Herrick

Civil Civic Debate & Poetry

“Civic engagement is not only or mainly about learning how the government works, what each branch does and so on. It’s above all about learning how to engage in public deliberation and argument about big questions that matter. Learning how to listen to those with whom we disagree—and to respond, and to argue, and to defend one’s position with civility and mutual respect. But also with a kind of confidence and poise.

“We are not born knowing how to do this. This is a civic art that democracy requires, and that we need to learn.”
–Michael Sandel

Speaking of “civic art”This week we are resurfacing a couple of pieces inspired by stories CEO Chris Neklason found while scanning the state for our News Digest (see below), and one of them has to do with poetry. 

Many California counties and cities last week announced the appointments of their poet laureates. (Again, you may well find news about your local public poet below.) As champions of civic institutions doing cool stuff, we applaud the state's robust commitment to poetry. And I commend you to a signal booster below introducing Lee Herrick, who was named California’s poet laureate in 2022, and remains in that post.

Herrick has taught poetry at Fresno City College for 26 years, and served as that city’s poet laureate for two of those. He takes his quasi-governmental role seriously, seeing himself as “a conduit between the literary and poetry world, and the civic and public sphere.” 

To that end, Herrick, who was weaned on punk and Run-D.M.C., initiated a project called “Our California,” in which he invited poets of any experience level, age or background to compose a poem about their city, town, or state, “exploring what they love about it, what joy they find in it, what they would change about it, or what they hope for.”

The submissions to the project are closed, but you can find some powerful work, arranged by county, on the Our California website.

Can Democrats and Republicans talk to each other?

Chris found an item last week involving another Central Valley city, in this case Manteca, in San Joaquin County. There, the Manteca Interfaith Community Appeal (MICA) is hosting a gathering of a group called Braver Angels. 

From the Manteca/Rippon Bulletin: “Braver Angels is leading the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide for the good of our democratic republic.

 “The organization's  goal is to “bring together ‘We the People’ to find a hopeful alternative to toxic politics. The American Hope campaign is equipping Americans across the political spectrum to work together and demand the same of politicians from both parties.”

I realize that a call for cease-fire and reconciliation at this moment in history may seem like an outrage to folks on either side of a political divide that has become a yawning chasm. Before continuing, I want to state for the record that California Local is a non-partisan purveyor of news and information. That does not mean we are neutral. We do not claim journalistic objectivity—our perspective is not the “view from nowhere.” We are a fact-based organization with a commitment to truth and to democracy.

Speaking for myself, like many of my professional peers, I do not identify as a member of a political party, but rather as a journalist. In my trade, the first step is to consider all sides of every issue. I will admit that that has been more difficult over the past decade than ever before. I’ve come to believe, over the past several months, that there has never been a more important time to do it.

I believe the political philosopher Michael Sandell, quoted at the top of this brief essay, makes the best argument for this, when he suggests that the most important thing we all must do as citizens is to “learn to listen, respectfully and attentively, to those with whom we disagree.” Hard work. Hope this helps. 

Art and Politics

Here is a poet who has dedicated himself to fostering civic engagement, and some political activists trying to revive the art of respectful polical conversation.

Getting to Know California’s Poet Laureate

Gov. Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom meet with California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick.
Lee Herrick explains to the Los Angeles Times why he’s always traveling California.

Bridging the Great Divide

Braver Angels members discuss election reform.
In a time of unprecedented polarization, Braver Angels encourages citizens to do something completely revolutionary: listen to each other.

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San Joaquin County's Homepage

Direct your browser to to catch up on the latest news in California and San Joaquin County. Bookmark the link and visit often, there's a lot happening in your community!

Recipe of the Week

Our friends at Sacramento Digs Gardening publish a recipe from their gardens every Sunday, which we feature here so you can start your week with some yum.

See more recipes in their Taste Winter! cookbook.

Savory green scones for upcoming St. Patrick’s Day – or any time

Flaky and savory, these spinach scones celebrate spring.
Recipe: Spinach scones with cheddar cheese and garlic chives.

Get to Know a Group

Big Brothers Big Sisters logo Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brother Big Sisters provides children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported mentorship. The organization believes that all children can achieve success when given the proper tools and resources—and volunteer mentors are among the most important of those resources.

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From Our Media Allies

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San Jose Spotlight logo Mountain View Backs Targeted Density in Residential Areas

Mountain View is making strides with its plan to rezone parts of the city to create more opportunities to build more homes, including some lower-density multifamily residential areas.

San Jose Spotlight logo Santa Clara County Creates Office to Prevent Violence

Santa Clara County wants to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to addressing community violence. To accomplish this, county leaders plan to sink millions of dollars into a new initiative.

San Jose Spotlight logo Sunnyvale Searches for Solution to Paramedic Shortage

Sunnyvale public safety officers are optimistic a new study will find solutions to the city’s lack of paramedics.

San Jose Spotlight logo Mountain View Struggles to Fill Empty Downtown Vacancies

In recent years, Mountain View has struggled with high retail vacancy rates, despite efforts to revitalize the downtown corridor.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Mayor Says AI Driving Spanish Speakers’ Participation

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan says Spanish-speaking participation at city meetings has increased 300% through the use of artificial intelligence translation software. But critics are finding errors in the tool — and question if it’s really driving the increase.

San Jose Spotlight logo Palo Alto Mulls New RV Park to Aid Vehicle Dwellers

With the number of vehicle dwellers on the rise, Palo Alto’s elected leaders are considering further expanding the Geng Road “safe parking” site, which provides spaces and social services for individuals and families who live in RVs.

San Jose Spotlight logo A Vibrant Destination? Palo Alto Dreams Big on Cubberley

After decades filled with false starts and shattered expectations, Palo Alto’s elected leaders on Tuesday took their first step in what promises to be a long journey to repair, rebuild and enhance Cubberley Community Center.

San Jose Spotlight logo Campbell Library Renovation Needs Funds for Services

After years of delays and planning, Campbell is about to complete construction on its new library — and one nonprofit is counting on locals to step up and fill in the gaps.

Gilroy Dispatch logo Gilroy Seeks Input on Future of Civic Center

Residents are invited to share their input and seek information at a series of upcoming workshops on the City of Gilroy’s Civic Center Mater Plan project.

San Jose Spotlight logo Interim Silicon Valley Water CEO Faces Conflict of Interest Concerns

The temporary head of Silicon Valley's largest water agency is facing questions over a potential conflict of interest as she oversees a contract with her husband's consulting firm.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Rejects Development Due to ‘Ridiculous’ Red Tape

The San Jose Planning Department has rejected a proposed project because it was filed at 1.2 inches instead of 1 inch, leaving the developer stunned.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Mayor Oversells the Value of Temporary Housing

San Jose's mayor is touting a plan to end unsheltered homelessness through temporary housing solutions, claiming it's 95% cheaper than building permanent affordable housing. But he's leaving out a crucial detail.

Los Gatan logo Los Gatos Lodge Proposal for Condos Along Highway 17 Gets Good Reviews at Planning Commission

The Los Gatos Lodge housing proposal emerged from Planning Commission last week, with a rare unanimous vote of support in its first kick at the can. It will now move on to Town Council.

San Jose Inside logo Federal Auditors Report That Santa Clara County’s Office of Education Misspent More Than $135K and Rebuffed Oversight

U.S. Head Start auditors told local education officials that they had discovered a pattern of previous administrators scoffing at grant rules and rejecting calls for oversight.

San Jose Spotlight logo Downtown San Jose to Add Two-Floor Music Venue

San Jose's downtown core is about to get more lively with a new late-night concert venue and bar in the works.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Teachers Prioritize Safety in Contract Negotiations

A teachers union is joining parents in demanding San Jose's largest school district makes schools safer.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Protest Against President Trump Draws Hundreds

Hundreds of protesters from around Silicon Valley marched through downtown San Jose Monday as part of demonstrations taking place across the country over President Donald Trump and his policies.

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Recent Local News

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(02/25/2025) Los Altos Town Crier
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(02/20/2025) Mountain View Voice
San Jose Housing Project Near Japantown Slashes Affordable Units, Faces Penalties

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(02/20/2025) Local News Matters
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(02/18/2025) Los Altos Town Crier
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Recent Statewide News

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(02/24/2025) CalMatters
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(02/23/2025) CalMatters
An End to ‘Forever Chemicals’: McNerney’s Bill Would Create Fund to Clean Up PFAS in Water

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(02/20/2025) Los Angeles Times
California’s Controversial New Fuel Rules Rejected by State Legal Office

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(02/20/2025) CalMatters
Trump Deportation Threats Reduce School Attendance

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(02/19/2025) CalMatters
California Lawmakers Scramble to Fix ‘Lemon’ Vehicle Law — Again

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California schools are grappling with the U.S. Department of Education's letter requiring them to scrap their DEI programs.

(02/18/2025) EdSource
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Government Announcements

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Request a tubbie for your bulk waste via an online form.
City of Ripon   (02/24/2025)
Image of State of California seal. Damon Connolly CA Assembly 12: Assemblymember Connolly Announces Winner of Legislative Contest
Assemblymember Connolly Announces Winner of Legislative Contest myreme Mon, 02/24/2025 - 14:03 There Ought to be a Law winning idea requires lifetime IDs to be automatically issued to seniors that have forfeited their drivers license. Title Press Contact Email Phone 916-319-2012 Monday, February 24, 2025 SACRAMENTO, CA Today, Assemblymember Damon Connolly (D-San Rafael) announced the conclusion of his third …
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City resource information can be found in this guide.
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Lyons Magnus LLC ("Lyons Magnus") today announced that it is voluntarily recalling 4 oz. Lyons ReadyCare and Sysco Imperial Frozen Supplemental Shakes due to the potential for the products to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Lyons Magnus is taking this action in response to a recall of t
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