It's a long way to the top, if you wanna rock ’n’ roll (or do journalism).
The theme for this issue of The Newsletter is incremental progress, told in two stories below.
The first is a blog post about new features we’ve recently rolled out on California Local—small improvements we hope enhance your experience.
The second is a Q&A with the co-founder of a “tiny newsroom” (and member of the California Local Media Alliance) who is using new tools to do old-fashioned accountability journalism.
Santa Cruz Local (no relation) started in 2019, and co-founder Kara Meyberg Guzman describes here the experience of starting a newsroom, surviving the pandemic, and now expanding.
California Local New Features
Our motto is Discover > Connect > Act, but with thousands of articles and government and community group directory listings in our database, and more being added every day, discovery of information and resources can be difficult, and connection less than convenient.
The good news is, we’ve been working on that.
Q&A With a Local Tiny Newsroom Founder
We’re privileged to work with a lot of local newsrooms, and going forward, we’re going to be spotlighting some of our fellow local journalists and the amazing work they do in communities across the state.
I recently interviewed Kara Meyberg Guzman, co-founder of a tiny newsroom named Santa Cruz Local in my home town on the Central California Coast. I’ve gushed about them before, and the Q&A below illuminates the effort and commitment to public service required to, in their words, “hold public officials to account.”
Get to Know a Group
Big Brother Big Sisters provides children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported mentorship. The organization believes that all children can achieve success when given the proper tools and resources—and volunteer mentors are among the most important of those resources.
→ Learn more