Diridon Station Plan Moves Ahead

PUBLISHED JAN 28, 2020 12:00 A.M.
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The arrival of High Speed Rail, BART and Google will transform the area just west of the Downtown core.

The arrival of High Speed Rail, BART and Google will transform the area just west of the Downtown core.   Image courtesy Arcadis and Benthem Crouwel Architects

Diridon Station’s fundamental infrastructure will be the topic of a study session in Council Chambers tonight at 6 p.m., in advance of a Feb. 4 vote on the enormous project, which will remake San Jose’s greater downtown area.

The city of San Jose, along with Caltrain, VTA and the California High-Speed Rail Authority, is working on a plan to expand and redesign the station in anticipation of significant new transit service. In addition, the city is at work on the Diridon Station Area Plan, which includes Google's ambitions 80-acre corporate campus/public-private/mixed-use proposal.  

From the City Council staff memo: 

“Purpose: To provide City Council and community members with information on the benefits, and tradeoffs of the different track approaches to the Diridon Station that are being considered as part of the Diridon Integrated Station Concept Plan. Outcome: City Council will receive detailed information on the features of potential track approaches into and out of the station. The Diridon Partner Agencies will present information on the benefits and tradeoffs of each of these options in terms of property impacts, noise, vibration, visual impacts, and environmental impacts. The Study Session will inform the City Council vote on a preferred track alignment, scheduled for the February 4, 2020 Council meeting. (a) Study Session Presentation: Diridon Integrated Station Concept - Rail Alignments (b) City Council Questions and Discussion (c) Public Comment.”

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