Local Democratic Party Pulls Support for Tovar

Councilmember vows to continue ‘record of collaboration.’

PUBLISHED SEP 15, 2022 1:58 P.M.
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The Santa Clara County Democratic Party pulled its endorsement of Gilroy City Councilmember Fred Tovar, saying his policy positions are in “direct conflict” with the party’s platform.

On a unanimous vote Sept. 8, the Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee approved a resolution rescinding the endorsement it made in 2020.

The resolution stated that Tovar’s voting history “has harmed the residents and employees of Gilroy” through his positions opposing policies that “foster transit-oriented development,” along with “voting against renter protection,” among other issues it outlines.

Read 'Local Democratic Party Pulls Support for Tovar' on the Gilroy Dispatch.  

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