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California Product Stewardship Council


1822 21st St, Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 706-3420

Charity Navigator Rating: 65 CHARITY NAVIGATOR REPORT


The California Product Stewardship Council is a network of local governments, non-government organizations, businesses and individuals supporting policies and projects where producers share in the responsibility for managing problem products at their end of life.

The CPSC is California's leader in the topic of product stewardship and the Extended Producer Responsibility movement. The EPR is supported by more than 26 million Californians, with nearly 150 resolutions passed. All have led to more sustainable and toxic-free solutions for the environment. CPSC works with companies who have redesigned products for reuse, as well as designing collection and disposal programs. CPSC works with all types of producers to hold them responsible for initiating, funding and managing end-of-life systems for their products, keeping in mind the state government goals and precedents.

CPSC's mission is “to shift California’s product waste management system from one focused on government funded and ratepayer financed waste diversion to one that relies on producer responsibility in order to reduce public costs and drive improvements in product design that promote environmental sustainability.”

Some products the CPSC focuses on include batteries, carpet. fluorescent lights, gas cylinders, mattresses, packaging, paint, pharmaceuticals, sharps, solar panels, textiles, thermostats, and tobacco.

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