Before we get to our featured article and all the other good stuff, I need to own up to a mistake that illustrates a point about planning. In the May 28 edition of The Newsletter, I announced the publication of our first book, How California Works: Building Democracy in the Golden State, by the great Jon Vankin. If you missed the big announcement, that’s on me, because I scheduled it for the day after Memorial Day. Not the best timing for a book launch.
In my defense, some last-minute snafus had delayed publication, and I was eager to let you know about the book as soon as that was possible. This is a hopeful book that can be an antidote to the dire news we are confronted with daily—it’s filled with true stories about the ways, at its best, California is leading the world toward a better future
I also forgot to say this last month: Here's how to empower yourself as a citizen AND support local journalism: Find How California Works on Amazon; available in hardcover, softcover and digital (Kindle).
The General Plan: Your Community’s Map to the Future
I say How California Works is a hopeful book because when you really see how local government functions, you have to be a little bit amazed. Our friend and colleague Chris Neklason has written about how building the database underlying California Local—discovering the elected bodies and volunteer boards that safeguard your tax dollars—hipped him to The Genius of Democracy.
This week Chris explains how a General Plan serves as the “constitution” of every incorporated community in the state—enumerating the long-term vision, priorities, goals, objectives and policies informing community governance—especially with regard to land use decisions. Good stuff to know.
Get to Know a Group
Big Brother Big Sisters provides children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported mentorship. The organization believes that all children can achieve success when given the proper tools and resources—and volunteer mentors are among the most important of those resources.
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• Sports Complex Unveiled as Part of California Forever
A rendering for a Solano Sports Complex development with facilities for baseball, basketball, football, swimming, tennis, volleyball, pickleball and other sports was released as part of the California Forever project in east Solano County.
(06/07/2024) → SF Gate
• CalMatters Hosts Big Ideas Festival
The two-day CalMatters Ideas Festival wrapped on June 6 with more than a dozen events examining critical policy issues impacting the lives of millions of Californians.
(06/07/2024) → CalMatters