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By Eric Johnson
Published Nov 04, 2024

Barricades being installed outside the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 3, 2024,
Barricades being installed outside the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 3, 2024,
Image credit: CALocal photo

A Cure for Election Anxiety

First: If, like me, you are one of those procrastinators who still celebrates Election Day the traditional way, a reminder that a few scrolls below, you will find a quick-and-easy list of stories from newsrooms in your county that might help you with your decisions.

And: Here is a handy, comprehensive set of Voting FAQs from our friends at Local News Matters.

The subject line for this edition of The Newsletter was going to be “a love letter to democracy”—a nickname Chris Neklason has given to a series of blog posts that we take turns writing. As you may have noticed, I chose a different angle.

I began to change my mind after I saw a couple of texts from family members in Washington D.C.. “The Observatory is being boarded up,” the first text read, referring to the historic U.S. Naval Observatory, which since 1977 has served as the residence of the vice president of the United States. A reply came shortly thereafter: “That means they’re expecting violence.”

A few minutes later I saw Steve Bannon’s face on the front page of the New York Times alongside a disturbing article, and that sealed the deal. A headline reported that Bannon and his allies are spreading disinformation “inviting chaos if Harris wins the race.” 

If you have been protecting your mental health by avoiding frightening news like this, forgive me; I believe the photograph above says all we need to say about our perilous situation right now, so let’s jump immediately to the love-letter portion of this note. 

Let’s get to the good news—the running theme here at the Newsletter: how democracy works.

A Love Letter to Democracy

It was Chris N. himself who suggested the headline just above as a subject for this week’s Newsletter. He did so because he spent much of last week reading scores of news stories in the 10 counties we serve, and came away from that exercise feeling hopeful.

All over Northern California, and all across the nation for that matter, people are in the process of making decisions about the cities and counties they call home. Chris, who is in the unique position of surveying and accumulating information about civic life from Big Sur to Lake Tahoe, reports that local news outlets statewide are doing a good job of getting their readers the information they need to vote.                                                                                                               

A few years back, when building the database that underlies California Local, Chris made a similar discovery— and wrote about it in our first love letter to democracy. Then-managing editor, Sharan Street made her own discovery several months later—her love note also has Evergreen value. Taken together, I hope they help with your sanity.

The Genius of Democracy

A graph of a social network.
In which we ponder human self organization.

I’ve Got a Hunch

And I know you have one as well. Let’s compare notes.

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Direct your browser to to catch up on the latest news in California and Santa Clara County. Bookmark the link and visit often, there's a lot happening in your community!

Recipe of the Week

Our friends at Sacramento Digs Gardening publish a recipe from their gardens every Sunday, which we feature here so you can start your week with some yum.

See more recipes in their Taste Fall! cookbook.

Pumpkin spice season deserves a hearty breakfast

These pumpkin pancakes are a great choice for an autumn breakfast.
New! Spiced pumpkin pancakes make use of favorite fall flavors

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Big Brothers Big Sisters logo Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brother Big Sisters provides children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported mentorship. The organization believes that all children can achieve success when given the proper tools and resources—and volunteer mentors are among the most important of those resources.

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From Our Media Allies

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San Jose Spotlight logo Silicon Valley Education Office Audits Misuse of Funds

As the Santa Clara County Office of Education board faces backlash for firing Superintendent Mary Ann Dewan, it's responding with an “extraordinary” request for third-party audits into misuse of school district funds during Dewan’s tenure.

Gilroy Dispatch logo Santa Clara County Will Expand Services Targeting Substance Use Crisis

The County of Santa Clara announced last week that it will be augmenting its substance use treatment services with additional inpatient, residential and outpatient offerings through the Behavioral Health Services Department and Santa Clara Valley Healthcare to serve thousands of …

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Farm Park Advocates Accuse City of Retaliation

Supporters of an East San Jose farm say they've been trying for years to get the city to invest more in the beloved community park. Instead, city parks officials responded by cutting off the relationship with the group.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Streets Getting Traffic Cameras to Improve Safety

Dozens of traffic enforcement cameras will be placed across San Jose’s most dangerous streets after city leaders approved a multimillion-dollar pilot program.

Local News Matters Stockton logo State Water Officials Alarmed at Discovery of Invasive Mussel Species in Port of Stockton

A “significant threat” to the Delta has been discovered in the Port of Stockton. The golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei), an invasive, non-native freshwater bivalve, was recently discovered in the port by California Department of Water Resources staff while conducting routine …

San Jose Spotlight logo Silicon Valley Homeless Residents Still Eligible to Vote

When Gary Diaz was homeless, all he could think about was how he was going to make it to the next day. Now that he’s staying at a temporary housing program at Tully Inn, he’s been able to get his …

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Official to File Complaint Over Stolen Campaign Signs

Candidates on both sides of a historic race to seat Santa Clara County’s first Vietnamese American supervisor say their campaign signs have been stolen, torn and defaced. One San Jose leader wants to investigate who's behind it.

San Jose Spotlight logo East San Jose District Could Close Nearly Half Its Schools

An Alum Rock Union School District committee is recommending closing 13 of its 21 schools due to declining student enrollment with families moving out of the area, lower birth rates and a steady loss of students to charter schools.

Morgan Hill Times logo Morgan Hill Philanthropy Night Is Nov. 15

The Morgan Hill Community Foundation’s 19th annual Philanthropy Night event will take place Nov. 15, honoring local individuals and organizations who have given their time and efforts to make a positive impact in the community over the last year-plus.

Gilroy Dispatch logo Voting Centers, Dropboxes Are Open

Citizens throughout the nation have begun voting in the 2024 general election, and voters in Santa Clara County can cast their ballots at in-person voting centers or at a number of secure dropboxes throughout the county until the night of …

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Leaders Wants to Give Developers More Control

Downtown San Jose could see an economic boost if city officials adopt a potential initiative for fast tracking large developments.

San Jose Spotlight logo Santa Clara County Homeless Shelter Model Displaces Seniors

Alma stared at her phone, rattled. She had just received a text from her case manager on Sept. 30 that she'd been evicted from the Sunnyvale homeless shelter while on the way back from work. With nowhere to go, she …

Los Gatan logo 4 More Miles of Trail Opened at Bear Creek Redwoods Preserve

On Friday, the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District celebrated the opening of four additional miles of trail at the 1,400-acre Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve—which adds on to the six miles previously opened to the public.

San Jose Spotlight logo Renovated San Jose Hotel Houses Formerly Homeless Residents

A newly renovated hotel in downtown San Jose has reopened its doors to house homeless residents.
The 72-room Pacific Motor Inn has already welcomed dozens of residents, and by next week it will be full. The hotel, operated by nonprofit …

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Leaders Deny Councilman Omar Torres’ Medical Leave Request

Questions are mounting as to whether or not embattled San Jose Councilmember Omar Torres will resign — and his colleagues are declining to formally excuse his absence from public meetings.

San Jose Spotlight logo Fast-Food and Unions Are Funding This Silicon Valley Contest

The fight between business and labor interests is finding ground in the race for District 2 on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.

Hilltromper Silicon Valley logo Bear Creek Redwoods Opens Four New Miles of Historic Trails

The Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District holds a ribbon-cutting ceremony to open four miles of new trails at a newly restored section of Bear Creek Redwoods Preserve in Los Gatos.

San Jose Spotlight logo Silicon Valley Candidate Apologizes for Egging Car

With one week until the election, a years-old video showing Tara Sreekrishnan egging a Cupertino resident’s car has resurfaced, moving some to raise concerns about her run for state Assembly.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Residents Want Sound Walls to Protect Neighborhood

The San Jose City Council is going to correct a decadeslong freeway oversight and approve sound walls along Interstate 280 near a forgotten neighborhood.

San Jose Spotlight logo San Jose Expands Paid Family Leave to Attract Police, Workers

More than 1,000 officers with San Jose's police union will no longer have limited hours of parental leave to spend with family.

San Jose Inside logo San Jose Police Target Gang Members Responsible for Violent Crime Wave

Residents of the Loma Verde and Cadillac/Winchester neighborhoods were victims of gang-related violent crimes, including assault with deadly weapons, carjacking and robbery.

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Recent Local News

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POST Land Trust Buys 1,300-Acre Pescadero Ranch in Santa Cruz County for Over $15M

The Peninsula Open Space Trust this week announced the purchase of over 1,300 acres of land on the southeast edge of Santa Cruz County, southwest of Gilroy.  

(11/05/2024) Local News Matters
Los Altos Bans Single-Use Plastic

Learn more about the Los Alto City Council approval of updated ordinances banning single-use plastic in restaurants and stores.

(11/05/2024) Los Altos Town Crier
Santa Clara County Office to Audit Finances

In the wake of firing Superintendent Mary Ann Dewan, the Santa Clara County Office of Education is seeking to do an audit of district finances. Learn why in the article.

(11/05/2024) Mountain View Voice
Campaign Finance: Santa Clara

A summary of campaign finance filings reveals the extent of contributions by the San Francisco 49ers to candidates running for office in Santa Clara.

(11/02/2024) The Mercury News
Candidate Profiles: California Congressional 15th District

An introduction to the two candidates running for the California Congressional 15th District seat in the November 5 election.

(11/02/2024) The Mercury News
Mountain View Whisman Superintendent Resigns

On November 1, Mountain View Whisman Superintendent Ayindé Rudolph announced his resignation. Click to learn how the school board is responding.

(11/01/2024) Mountain View Voice
Campaign Finance: California Assembly District 26

A summary of the campaign finance filings for the candidates running for the State Assembly District 26 seat reveals large sums from sources outside the district.

(10/31/2024) The Mercury News
Future Senior Affordable Housing Site Purchased

A project to potentially develop a site on East St. Jon Street in San Jose into affordable housing for seniors took a step forward with the purchase of the parcel by the Santa Clara County Housing Authority.

(10/31/2024) The Mercury News
Affordable Housing Opens in Former Mountain View Hotel

A project to convert a former hotel on El Camino Real in Mountain View into supportive affordable housing has been completed and is now welcoming residents.

(10/31/2024) Mountain View Voice
Mountain View Whisman School Board Campaign Finance

A summary of the latest campaign finance filings for the candidates running for seats on the Mountain View Whisman School Board in the November 5 election.

(10/31/2024) Mountain View Voice
Campaign Finance: Palo Alto Board of Education

A summary of the latest campaign finance filings from the candidates running for seats on the Palo Alto Unified School District Board of Education in the November 5 election.

(10/31/2024) Palo Alto Online
Speed Cameras Coming to San Jose

As part of a state authorized program, the City of San Jose is in the process of installing several speed cameras to test their effectiveness in improving traffic and pedestrian safety.

(10/30/2024) The Mercury News
Santa Clara County Extends Medi-Cal Health Services

In an October 29 press conference, Santa Clara County officials announced a Justice-Involved Reentry Initiative to offer health services for Medi-Cal eligible individuals who are 90 days from their release from incarceration.

(10/29/2024) The Mercury News
Campaign Finance: Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors District 5

A look at the latest campaign finance filings from the candidates running for the District 5 seat on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.

(10/29/2024) Mountain View Voice
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Recent Statewide News

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Proposition 4 $10 Billion Climate Bond Passes

Learn more about how the just-passed $10 billion climate bond measure will fund resiliency projects across the state.

(11/05/2024) The Sacramento Bee
GivingTuesday Explained

Learn more about the annual fundraising day on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this year falling on December 3.

(11/04/2024) Monterey Herald
Santa Clara County Ramps Up Response as Invasive Mosquito Detected in More Areas

The invasive Aedes aegypti mosquitos have been detected in more areas of Santa Clara County, prompting officials to hold meetings to discuss their response to the threat posed by the species. 

(11/01/2024) Local News Matters
A Century Later, Salmon Again Spawning in Klamath River After Dams Removed

Sixty years ago, I was a reporter for the Klamath Falls (Oregon) Herald and News and with my family lived in a small house on the Link River, which flows out of Upper Klamath Lake, draining a large portion of the Cascade mountain range.

(10/31/2024) CalMatters
It’s Hard to Vote in California When You’re Homeless. Why It Matters When Their Voices Are Silenced

Homeless Californians face many barriers to casting a ballot, even in elections that affect their lives. Some counties and nonprofits are trying to boost turnout.

(10/30/2024) CalMatters
A Third Straight Year With No California Salmon Fishing?  Early Fish Counts Suggest It Could Happen

Low counts of spawning salmon could mean another year without fishing. Experts say the outlook still has time to turn around.

(10/30/2024) CalMatters
Bird Flu Jumped From Cows to People. Now Advocates Want More Farmworkers Tested

A strain of bird flu that imperiled California poultry and cattle has jumped to people. In humans, the symptoms are mild and the virus has not been transmitted among people.

(10/29/2024) CalMatters
California’s Transition Off Carbon Fuels Could Upset Gasoline Supply, Prices

California motorists buy and consume a billion gallons of gasoline each month and are very sensitive about pump prices, which are markedly higher than those in other states. Naturally, they are a political football.

(10/29/2024) CalMatters
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Government Announcements

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Image of United States seal. Babcock Dairy Recalls Orange Custard Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Peanut Butter Due to Undeclared Egg
Babcock Dairy of Madison, Wisconsin, is voluntarily recalling approximately 41 cases of Orange Custard Chocolate Chip ice cream that may be labeled as Chocolate Peanut Butter. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to eggs or yellow #5 run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic r
United States   (11/04/2024)
Image of City of Milpitas seal. PG&E Planned Public Safety Power Shutoff
Due to the current red flag warning, which indicates high fire threat during high wind and dry conditions, PG&E is planning a Public Safety Power Shutoff that will affect parts of Santa Clara County starting tomorrow night.
City of Milpitas   (11/04/2024)
Image of City of Morgan Hill seal. Scam Awareness Presentation
Join the Senior Advisory Committee's free presentation series at the Community & Cultural Center on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2:30 p.m. This month, MHPD will cover scam awareness, especially how to spot a scam. Admission is free; no registration is required.
City of Morgan Hill   (11/04/2024)
Image of United States seal. Savencia Cheese USA Announces an Expanded Voluntary Recall of Select Soft Ripened Cheeses
Savencia Cheese USA is recalling select soft ripened cheeses manufactured in our Lena manufacturing facility because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and
United States   (11/03/2024)
Image of United States seal. Savencia Cheese USA Announces Voluntary Recall of Select Soft Ripened Cheeses
Savencia Cheese USA is recalling select soft ripened cheeses manufactured in our Lena manufacturing facility because it has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and
United States   (11/02/2024)
Image of City of Milpitas seal. Mercury News Bay Area Endorsements for the November 5 Election Ballot
Mercury News and East Bay Times editorial board recommendations so far for Contra Costa, Alameda and Santa Clara counties, and California ballot measures
City of Milpitas   (11/01/2024)
Image of City of Los Altos seal. City of Los Altos Welcomes New Finance Director
Los Altos, Calif. October 31, 2024 The city of Los Altos welcomes Jessie Kim as its newly appointed finance director. She will assume this position on Tuesday, November 12. Kim brings more than 14 years of finance experience to Los Altos. She will lead a department of seven staff and oversee citywide financial activities and operations, including budget preparation and …
City of Los Altos   (11/01/2024)
Image of United States seal. HH Fresh Trading Corp Recalls Taiwan Enoki 200gx25pk Because of Possible Health Risk
Because they have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Although healthy individuals may suffer only short-term symptoms suc
United States   (10/31/2024)
Image of Town of Los Gatos seal. Let's Get Social!
Follow us on Social Media! Get urgent updates, find out what happened while you were sleeping, or let the pictures show the story.
Town of Los Gatos   (10/31/2024)
Image of Town of Los Gatos seal. We Are Hiring, Join Our Team!
Police Officer (Trainee, Pre-Service, Lateral) and Community Service Officer Interns! Applications and Interviews will be held on an ongoing basis.
Town of Los Gatos   (10/31/2024)