Sac Fire Captain Faces ‘Ghost Gun’ Charges

PUBLISHED JUL 6, 2021 7:00 P.M.
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ATF agents found automatic weapons, including parts of AK-47s, that had been altered using various kits—so-called "ghost guns."

ATF agents found automatic weapons, including parts of AK-47s, that had been altered using various kits—so-called "ghost guns."

Ryan Sabalow of the Sacramento Bee tells the tale of a reportedly heroic Sacramento Metropolitan Fire captain who police say was manufacturing illegal automatic weapons at his home in rural El Dorado County.

Captain Derik Oakes was charged with multiple felonies for being in possession of more than 20 automatic weapons, which were confiscated in an ATF raid in July, 2019. Some of the weapons appear to have been etched with fake serial numbers, according to the Bee.

Sabado reports that while Oakes is being charged with federal crimes, the case is being prosecuted by the El Dorado county district attorney, which is standard procedure. Oakes' attorney claims that his client moved to El Dorado County in part because of its “perceived adherence to the constitution and conservative values.”

The lawyer has asked the local prosecutor to give his client a break so he can keep his job. 

Many supporters, including colleagues at the fire department, point out that Oakes has been a faithful public servant for many years and therefore deserves leniency. They are able to point to many clearly heroic deeds, including an incident in 2005 when Oakes saved the life of a Sacramento county sheriff’s deputy.

Follow this link to read “Sacramento fire captain fighting California assault rifle charges after ATF raids home.”

Ryan Sabadow’s article includes detailed accounts of the ATF’s pursuit of Oakes and raid on his home—as well as a discussion of how this case is impacted by a federal judge’s recent decision that California’s assault-weapons ban is unconstitutional. 

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