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In their April 30 meeting, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors were updated on local road projects by Public Works, including the New Idria Road, which will be completed by the end of May.

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The San Benito County Council of Governments have received an $8.2 million grant for transportation infrastructure from the California Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program and Zero Emission Transit Capital Program.

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In its April 9 meeting, the San Benito High School District approved a financier and is moving forward to purchase land on Wright Road in Hollister as the site of a second high school.

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In a unanimous vote the Board approved a two-year contract to hire attorney Harry Damkar for public defense services beginning May 1 as they study the feasibility of establishing a public defender’s office.

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The 2024 March 5 election results were certified by the San Benito County Elections on March 29.

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Local activist Andy Hsia-Coron announced he is preparing to start the signature gathering phase for a new slow-growth initiative titled "Empower Voters to Make Land Use Decisions Initiative."

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The San Benito Health and Human Services Agency annual inspection turned up deficiencies in health training and services provided by the San Benito County jail system with most in the juvenile facility.

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In the midst of a library expansion and an FBI investigation, San Benito County is considering the hiring of a new head librarian.

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The developer of the Lands of Lee project to develop housing on Fairview Road has sued San Benito County for denial a permit to proceed, citing process violations of various laws.

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Citing no reason, local landfill operator Waste Solutions withdrew its appeal of the San Benito County Planning Commission’s denial of certification of the Environmental Impact Report for a project to expand the landfill.

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Beginning May 1, Harry Damkar will provide indigent defense services for the county, replacing the Fitzgerald, Alvarez & Ciummo law firm.

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The operator of the John Smith Road Landfill appealed the San Benito County Planning Commission’s decision against certifying the environmental impact report required for expansion of the facility.

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County’s public defense system lack of structured leadership, transparency, accountability and funds, and frequent attorney turnover, high caseloads and low litigation noted.

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Transportation Planner Douglas Kean says less than 1% of county residents use San Benito County’s public transit system and that transit operations need to be fundamentally restructured.

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San Benito County was founded Feb. 12, 1874, ending its 24 years as part of Monterey County. It was an inevitable chapter in a story that began in 1797. And that story is about land.

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In a 4-1 vote, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors agreed to remove four “New Community Study Areas” from the county’s General Plan. Supervisor Kollin Kosmicki introduced the motion and Supervisor Bea Gonzales voted “no.”

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Board of Supervisors hopefuls speak about repairing roads, providing affordable housing and the landfill expansion project.

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Incumbent Bea Gonzales and challenger Ignacio Velazquez are running in the District 5 seat, which covers north county between Hwy 25 and Hwy 156, the Hollister Municipal Airport and downtown Hollister.

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A proposal was delivered to the San Benito Healthcare District, which included an updated Letter of Intent, a draft Joint Powers of Authority agreement, and other paths for achieving financial viability.
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