Placer County Local News: Seniors

All Local Seniors News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

California Local Pin Marker From Tahoe Daily Tribune...

June is National Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month, and El Dorado County's Adult Protective Services Program, part of the county's Health and Human Services Agency, is making a special effort to reach out to community members.

California Local Pin Marker From Tahoe Daily Tribune...

The El Dorado County Senior Nutrition Program is seeking dedicated volunteer drivers for the Home Delivered Meals program. Each volunteer generally works one day per week on an assigned route.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Every day, thousands of older Californians can’t afford to stock their pantries. State data reveal that two-thirds of eligible Californians over age 60 do not participate in CalFresh, the state’s food stamp program, even though they qualify.

California Local Pin Marker From Folsom Telegraph...

The Folsom Teen Council once again held an annual pancake breakfast at the Folsom Senior Center.

California Local Pin Marker From Auburn Journal...

Placer PROTECT will present a Senior Resource Fair on Aug. 11, but wants to emphasize the event is open to everyone. The organization works on elder abuse prevention, but would like to educate all ages and provide various services.

California Local Pin Marker From Auburn Journal...

The Auburn Chamber of Commerce and community gathered at the Auburn Senior Center to celebrate its new space in North Auburn.

California Local Pin Marker From Comstock's Magazine...

There are new tools and technologies being developed to address both physical and mental health for seniors. Dr. Reetu Sharma is one of many innovators in the Capital Region determined to help people feel stronger while living longer.

California Local Pin Marker From Auburn Journal...

A handful of community members are volunteering time and money to a new nonprofit organization, Silver Wishes. Founded last May by Stephanie Berger from Lincoln and Cyndi Dolan of Granite Bay, Silver Wishes aims to give Placer County seniors hope through delivering “wow wishes.”