Image of Nevada Irrigation District seal. 

Nevada Irrigation District Overview

Overview     Board of Directors    News Articles & Digest    

Address:   1036 W Main St, Grass Valley, CA 95945


For 100 years, the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) has been reliably delivering high-quality water to its customers. It began as an old canal system designed to serve gold mines, and has since be transformed into a public water system serving over 25,000 homes, businesses and farms. All of NID’s water begins as snowmelt in 70,000 acres of watersheds at a high elevation. The employees then move supplies to one of 29 reservoirs, releasing water to one of six treatment plants for purification. The end result? Water suitable for both drinking and irrigation for 30,000 acres of agriculture throughout the region. NID also produces energy; it is a leader of Northern California water agencies creating and producing hydropower. Finally, NID makes the environment a priority, working on everything from fire prevention to forest meadow restoration to improving fish habitats.

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