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City activates weather-respite centers Jan. 10-15
With the National Weather Service forecasting cold temperatures, the City of Sacramento will activate weather-respite operations at its Outreach and Engagement Center (OEC) and the North 5th Stree...
Golden Empire Council
Listed under: Education Families & Children Parks & Recreation
From California Local...
California produces millions of tons of hazardous waste per year, but has only 72 disposal sites
California is already one of few states with outdoor worker heat safety rules.
From CalMatters...
From CapPublicRadio...
From Daily Democrat...
Hospitals have already asked for $125 million in emergency state loans.
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
In 2022, 6,400 Medi-Cal recipients received food by prescription in several experimental programs.
From The Sacramento Observer...
From The Sacramento Bee...
Extensive new purification standards could turn wastewater into “the cleanest drinking water around.”
High-stress working conditions, highly-paid contract doctors have caused dangerous staff shortages.
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