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City activates weather-respite centers Jan. 10-15
With the National Weather Service forecasting cold temperatures, the City of Sacramento will activate weather-respite operations at its Outreach and Engagement Center (OEC) and the North 5th Stree...
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From CalMatters...
From CapPublicRadio...
From California Local...
State Supreme Court says "burden on employers" outweighs damage from viral illness.
From The Sacramento Bee...
The California legislature once again prepares to consider single-payer health care.
From Sacramento News and Review...
An innovative program for Medi-Cal patients demonstrates food, when prescribed, can change health outcomes. Why did the state Assembly derail it?
Here's who gets help and what takes a hit in the new $310 billion proposed state budget.
Hot temperatures kill employees every year and climate change is making work more deadly.
A 2017 policy has led to a 234 percent increase in the transgender prison population.
From Associated Press Sacramento...
Earlier effort to ban underage marriage was thwarted by civil liberties advocates
From The Sacramento Observer...
Abortion rights advocates say the centers mislead vulnerable women about their pregnancy options.
With pandemic benefits ending, food banks have become supermarkets for thousands of Californians.
From The Galt Herald...
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