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City activates weather-respite centers Jan. 10-15
With the National Weather Service forecasting cold temperatures, the City of Sacramento will activate weather-respite operations at its Outreach and Engagement Center (OEC) and the North 5th Stree...
Women’s Empowerment
Listed under: Families & Children Homelessness Crisis & Personal Support
From California Local...
Some things to consider, whether you’re looking to stop completely or engage in “mindful drinking.”
From Associated Press Sacramento...
From The Sacramento Observer...
AB 1400, aka CalCare, aims to leave no Californian without health coverage—but at what cost?
From The Sacramento Bee...
From Sierra Sun...
A new variant of the COVID-causing coronavirus is causing fears of a new pandemic wave.
California suffers more than 3,000 deaths on the road every year. It doesn’t have to.
Sam Quinones wrote about opioids in his last book. But now a tidal wave of drugs from Mexican cartels is plaguing ‘The Least of Us.’
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