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Workers at Anti Police-Terror Project Form Labor Union
On December 11, 2024, staff at Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP) officially requested that APTP's Executive Director recognize their newly formed union with The Industrial Workers of the World Bay...
Chalk It Up to Sacramento
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
California has used reclamation districts to turn millions of acres of unusable swamps into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush. Here’s how it happened.
A conversation with Stacy Caldwell, CEO of Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation
Travis Air Force Base in Solano County is now surrounded on three sides by a Delaware company with millions of dollars and no public record of who is behind it. And the federal government hasn’t been able to solve the …
The California Coastal Commission has broad authority to protect the state's shoreline. Now, some want to curtail its power over affordable housing proposals.
Zoning laws that restrict new housing development cause environmental damage, racial and class segregation, and force people into cars creating traffic. Now, a new movement wants to abolish zoning in the United States.
Zoning laws determine what can be built and where. These laws have shaped California, but are they really just tools for social engineering? The history of zoning is closely tied to racial segregation, as well as the state's shortage of …
A new interpretation of an old law gives homebuilders leverage over California cities and their zoning codes. They’re using it to push through thousands of new apartments around the state.
By almost any measure, the balance between advancing projects critical to California's future and environmental protection under the California Environmental Quality Act has been lost. The failure to reform CEQA is not for a lack of knowing what the solutions …
California lawmakers are exploring ways to reconnect urban neighborhoods torn asunder during the interstate highway construction boom of the 1950s and ’60s.
Shopping malls revolutionized how Americans shopped, socialized, and lived. Now, malls face an uncertain future. How did the dream of a new town square go so wrong?
After hitting pause during the Covid-19 pandemic, city officials are once again trying to revitalize the popular but aging Old Sacramento Waterfront.
There's too much parking! Why a new law, AB 2097, cutting back on parking space requirements in new housing and business developments could be a game changer for the climate, and the housing crisis.
For half a century, this group has reduced waste, reimagined local transportation and redesigned buildings. It’s all part of Ecology Action’s quest for sustainability.
Sara Rubin here, thinking about how thousands of years before Monterey County as a jurisdiction even existed as an idea, it was inhabited by thousands of Indigenous people who called this place home. Numerous villages all over the region were…
Three California transportation leaders explain why Measure D will ultimately kill much-needed rail service and slow progress on the Santa Cruz Rail Trail.
SB 35 is one of California’s most important affordable housing laws. Here’s what it does, and a look at how well it’s working.
In which we ponder how to make things better in a climate of no.
UPDATED In which we ponder the things around which humans self organize.
Two controversial bills finally pass, opening up at least the possibility that single-family lots could be used to provide more housing options.
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