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Dining and Nightlife in San Jose
Visit San Jose has just released a new video promoting dining and nightlife in San Jose. It's only 90 seconds long, yet highlights a multitude of areas: Valley Fair (Eataly in the opening sho...
Children’s Discovery Museum
Listed under: Education Families & Children
From Los Altos Town Crier...
Los Alto Hills Residents Urged to Create and Maintain Defensible Spaces
The Los Altos Hills County Fire District is urging residents to take steps to create and maintain defensible spaces around their homes.
Los Altos Stacked Housing to Rise After Wrecking Ball
An abandoned three-story office complex on El Camino Real in Los Altos was demolished, to be replaced by 129 units of housing.
From Mountain View Voice...
Mountain View Housing Proposal
Mountain View parcels which have low-density apartments and a single family home are proposed to be redeveloped into a 4-story 42 unit housing complex.
From The Mercury News...
Willow Glen Neighborhood Board Signals Support for Sanctioned Homeless Camp
The Willow Glen Neighborhood Association is open to a sanctioned homeless encampment at the Valley Transportation Authority’s Lelong Street property, but with a list of conditions.
From Watch Duty...
Watch Duty Park Fire Incident Page
The official Watch Duty incident page for the massive Park Fire burning in Butte and Tehama Counties.
Pesticide Spraying in San Jose and Unincorporated Areas to Combat West Nile
Following the confirmation of West Nile virus in tested mosquitos, pesticide spraying was ordered for neighborhoods in the 95111, 95112, 95121 and 95122 zip codes in San Jose and unincorporated Santa Clara Valley.
Sunnyvale Celebrates Construction of Affordable Apartments
In a July 25 ceremony, Sunnyvale and county officials gathered across from the Lawrence Caltrain Station to celebrate the start of construction of 176 affordable apartments.
San Jose School Bond Goes to November Ballot
In a special meeting held with less than 24 hours notice on July 25, the San Jose Unified School District Board of Trustees voted to put a $1.2 billion bond on the November ballot to fund school facility upgrades and build affordable staff housing.
From CalMatters...
CHP Justifies Its Officers’ Use of Force at Gaza Protests, Without Providing Evidence
“This doesn’t build public trust. Where is the evidence?” said Jeff Wenninger, a former Los Angeles Police lieutenant who oversaw use of force investigations.
California Has Seen Many Towns Created, but as Population Drops a Big Project Has Stalled
When California emerged from its colonial beginnings nearly two centuries ago and began coalescing into a distinct society, its towns and villages tended to be located either on navigable rivers, such as Sacramento, or around the 21 missions that Spanish explorer priests had established, such as San Diego.
Newsom Set an Ambitious Goal to Launch 500,000 Californians Into New Careers. Many Are Firefighters
In his 2018 campaign, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he would create 500,000 new apprenticeships in the decade after taking office. So far, the state has registered more than 180,000 new apprenticeships. Many of them are firefighters.
From Palo Alto Online...
Palo Alto to Revise Development Process
In the face of pressure from state Housing and Community Development requirements for the building of over 6,000 new housing units in Palo Alto, the city is working to streamline the planning and review process.
San Jose Unified Strongly Disputes Civil Grand Jury Report
In their July 24 meeting, the San Jose Unified School District Board of Trustees strongly rejected findings from the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury.
CA Indoor Heat Rule Put on Fast Track
After years of delay, a new California regulation to protect indoor workers from extreme heat is now in effect.
From The Sacramento Bee...
West Nile Cases in Yuba and Stanislaus Counties
The first two human cases of West Nile virus this season were reported in Yuba and Stanislaus Counties.
When California Housing Regulators Beef With Voters, Who Wins?
What happens when voters take to the ballot to thumb their nose at state housing law? Courts haven’t offered a clear answer.
From Local News Matters...
California Forever abandons ballot measure in face of growing opposition, looks to 2026
California Forever’s announcement July 22 that it has decided to pull a ballot measure that would have let voters decide on a controversial planned city in rural Solano County drew swift reaction from political leaders and opponents.
Concerns Raised Over Distel Project in Los Altos
The 90-unit all-affordable housing development planned for Distel Circle recently reduced the number of proposed parking spaces by more than half.
Candidates Begin Filing For November Election
Candidates have begun filing the paperwork to run for open seats in the Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Mountain View in the upcoming November election.
California Forever Pulls Initiative
Following a report released the previous week by Solano County citing billions of dollars in costs and a host of other issues, California Forever pulled their initiative from the November ballot.
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