Santa Clara County Local News: Transportation

All Local Transportation News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

Image caption: California transportation history runs from railroads to today’s car culture.
California’s History of Transportation: From Railroads to Highways

The history of transportation in California has shaped the state, from the railroads to today’s highways, making the need for planning increasingly urgent. Here’s how it all happened, and where we stand today.

Image caption: Over two weekends last October, residents of Santa Cruz and Watsonville  participated in demonstration rides aboard an electric streetcar on rails.
The ‘Rail Trail’ Movement, Explained

Thousands of miles of railroad track, including some in Santa Cruz County, now sit idle. The fate of those largely abandoned tracks has become a burning controversy.

California Local Pin Marker From Palo Alto Online...

The City of Palo Alto is considering the development of a downtown parking garage. Read on to learn more.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Most ships discharging ballast water into California waters are inspected, but state officials have tested the water of only 16 ships. Experts say invaders like mussels are inevitable under current rules and enforcement.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled San Jose Tow-Away Zones Threaten RV Residents

People living in RVs along Almaden Expressway are worried they'll be thrown onto the streets when San Jose begins its tow-away zone program next year.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled Sunnyvale to Scout Sites for Safe Parking Program

Sunnyvale leaders want to lower the anxiety levels of residents living in their vehicles through a widely supported solution: giving them a safe place to park.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled Silicon Valley Transit Agency Funds Community Growth Near Train Stations

VTA wants to increase its presence, and ridership numbers, by pumping dollars into community groups near its light rail stations.

California Local Pin Marker From Mountain View Voice...

Learn how Mountain View is planning to drop parking requirements in parts of the city slated for new housing.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled Downtown San Jose Road Could Close for New Pedestrian Mall

San Jose officials want to recreate the success of downtown gathering spaces like San Pedro Square and Paseo de San Antonio by permanently closing off vehicle traffic in a third location.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Experts don’t know how much gas prices may rise from the revised California climate program, which tightens standards and gives incentives for low-carbon fuels. The board ordered an annual review of the cost impacts.

Los Gatan logo From Los Gatan...

Image for display with article titled Cougar Crossing

The Santa Cruz Boardwalk Giant Dipper has drawn over 60 million thrill-seekers to scream while careening around the roller coaster’s hairpin turns. But more than 65,000 motorists a day know that roller coaster ride pales compared to the high-speed, white-knuckle turns it takes to get to and from Santa Cruz by driving over Highway 17.

California Local Pin Marker From Palo Alto Online...

Voters have approved a measure to extend Quarry Road to the Palo Alto Transit Center.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled Silicon Valley Cities Get Funding for Ride-Share Service

Multiple Silicon Valley cities are raking in money for micro-transit programs, which transit advocates say is critical for areas with sparser public transportation.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled San Jose Streets Getting Traffic Cameras to Improve Safety

Dozens of traffic enforcement cameras will be placed across San Jose’s most dangerous streets after city leaders approved a multimillion-dollar pilot program.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

As part of a state authorized program, the City of San Jose is in the process of installing several speed cameras to test their effectiveness in improving traffic and pedestrian safety.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled San Jose Residents Want Sound Walls to Protect Neighborhood

The San Jose City Council is going to correct a decadeslong freeway oversight and approve sound walls along Interstate 280 near a forgotten neighborhood.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

California motorists buy and consume a billion gallons of gasoline each month and are very sensitive about pump prices, which are markedly higher than those in other states. Naturally, they are a political football.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The state air board will vote on changes to its landmark clean fuel program that would cut more greenhouse gases but could raise the cost of gas and diesel.

San Jose Spotlight logo From San Jose Spotlight...

Image for display with article titled Los Gatos Roadwork Critical to Student Safety

A key Los Gatos school intersection in need of safety features is getting long-awaited renovations this fall.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Tens of thousands of California ride-hailing drivers, and possibly more, could eventually get back pay after a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that clears the way for the state and some cities to proceed with their lawsuits against Uber and Lyft.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The state Senate signs off on Gov. Newsom’s bill to stop spikes in California gas prices. A final vote is scheduled on Monday.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

On Aug. 31, when Gov. Gavin Newsom called a special session on gas prices, California motorists were paying $4.61 per gallon on average, $1.27 more than the national average. On October 7, when the state Senate finally convened, prices were $4.68 in California, or $1.51 above the national average.
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