California Forever Illustrations and Designs

These renderings, illustrations and designs are taken from the California Forever official press kit and from the official East Solano Homes, Jobs and Clean Energy Initiative.

Rendering of a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone in the new community.

Rendering of a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone in the new community.

Rendering of street level in a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone.

Rendering of street level in a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone.

Rendering of a downtown plaza with transit center.

Rendering of a downtown plaza with transit center.

Rendering of a park/open space zone.

Rendering of a park/open space zone.

Rendering of a scene in an Open Space Zone.

Rendering of a scene in an Open Space Zone.

Rendering of walkable streets in a Commercial Mixed Use Zone or Maker and Manufacturing Zone.

Rendering of walkable streets in a Commercial Mixed Use Zone or Maker and Manufacturing Zone.

A map of the proposed new community in the context of neighboring communities.

A map of the proposed new community in the context of neighboring communities.

Map of the different zones in the proposed new community.

Map of the different zones in the proposed new community.

Illustration of a walkable neighborhood in the proposed new community.

Illustration of a walkable neighborhood in the proposed new community.

Illustration of a walkable neighborhood in the proposed new community.

Illustration of a walkable neighborhood in the proposed new community.

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