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Unlocking Potential: Recent ADU Research and Its Impact on Policy and Development
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation is hosting a Housing Lunch and Learns series starting September 13, 2024. These virtual conversations will feature community leaders and housing experts as we di...
Lake Tahoe Dance Collective
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
From CalMatters...
From Los Angeles Times...
From Auburn Journal...
Placer Land Trust and Trust for Public Land recently announced the protection of more than 1,500 acres of significant river canyon along Lake Clementine and the North Fork American River in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Auburn State Recreation Area Superintendent Lauren Shoemaker said a call was received of someone in the water around 11:30 a.m. Sunday, which prompted a water rescue below the Confluence near the No Hands Bridge.
From Sierra Sun...
Mike Peron and Rob Galloway, the vibrant hosts of Tahoe TAP, are back to whisk listeners away on another enthralling journey. Today, they embark on a mission to spotlight an individual whose efforts have left an indelible mark on the pristine landscapes of Lake Tahoe.
At Truckee Donner Public Utility District's May board of directors meeting, the board approved an electric bill credit, approved a crucial water infrastructure maintenance project in Tahoe Donner, and held a workshop to review TDPUD's new Emergency Operations Plan.
The clean-up event is 8AM - noon Saturday, April 20. Participants are asked to register at the Confluence Information Kiosk, three miles below Auburn near the Highway 49 river crossing, for clean-up supplies, snacks and a free Auburn SRA trails map.
The Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors voted Thursday to move ahead with a $4.5 million funding agreement to help consolidate the Shady Glen Community Water System into PCWA’s Colfax water system.
From Placer Sentinel...
Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors voted to move ahead with a $4.5 million funding agreement to consolidate the Shady Glen Community Water System into PCWA’s Colfax water system
From Moonshine Ink...
From SF Gate...
From CapPublicRadio...
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