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Join us for the “It’s in the Bag” Fundraiser on January 22, 2025
The Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin will host the club's annual designer purse fundraiser on January 22, raising funds to invest in education awards, career planning and education projec...
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From Auburn Journal...
The Colfax City Council approved the introduction of a sidewalk repair ordinance, which aims to maintain safe walkways for pedestrians, during its Jan. 8 meeting.
In an effort to maintain safe sidewalks for pedestrians, the Colfax City Council considered a sidewalk repair ordinance during its Dec. 11 meeting.
In an effort to bring more awareness to its Historic Downtown, the Colfax City Council selected the winner of the first Downtown Photography Contest during its meeting Wednesday.
The Colfax City Council closed its last meeting of the year Wednesday with swearing in its re-elected officials and the newest face on the dais.
The Colfax City Council approved a funding request for this year’s Winterfest celebration during its Nov. 13 meeting.
In an effort to make the zoning code consistent with general plan requirements, the Colfax City Council approved the introduction of zoning code amendments in the city’s housing element during its Nov. 13 meeting.
Learn about the approval by the Colfax City Council of an amendment to the fee schedule for short-term rentals during its Nov. 13 meeting.
The Colfax City Council received an update on the preliminary plans for the proposed skate park project during its Oct. 23 meeting.
Project lead Ty Conners said the Colfax Green Machine, which is overseeing the project, has partnered with New Line Skateparks to create a new design that fits with the project’s current budget. Kanten Russell, director of design with New Line, confirmed they looked at previous plans and built a new design based on the site conditions and budget.
The Colfax City Council approved an ordinance on Oct. 9 which establishes an administrative remedies procedure for challenges to fees, charges and assessments.
In an attempt to revitalize vacant storefronts in the downtown area, the Colfax City Council approved an amendment to the mixed-use MU-1 zoning district.
The Colfax City Council approved an ordinance to allow for a permitting process for short-term rentals within the city’s limits during its consent agenda on Sept. 11.
In the continued effort to have regulation for short-term rentals within city limits, the Colfax City Council approved the second introduction of an ordinance to allow for a permitting process during its Aug. 28 meeting.
The Colfax City Council approved a resolution Aug. 22 to cancel its General Election to fill two council seats and the treasurer position.
The Colfax City Council approved to provide Colfax High School with a $3,000 donation for an updated sound system at Marson Stadium.
The Colfax City Council approved a services contract Aug. 14, hiring its next city attorney, Conor W. Harkins.
The Colfax City Council held a public hearing on July 24 to consider a mixed-use zoning proposal for Main Street, where concerns were expressed about reducing retail presence.
The Colfax City Council reopened the public hearing July 24 in its consideration of an ordinance that would allow for a permitting process for short-term rentals within city limits.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved an additional $130,000 to be provided to the city of Colfax for the proposed skate park during its consent agenda Tuesday.
According to the Safe Streets for All website, the grant program is part of bipartisan infrastructure law that establishes $5 billion in appropriated funds for regional, local and tribal initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries over a five-year period (2022-26).
According to the staff report, revenues are projected to be $2.64 million for fiscal year 2024-25 and $2.68 million for 25-26, Expenditures are projected at $2.5 million for the first budget year and $2.6 million for the second.
In their June 12 meeting, the Colfax City Council approved moving forward with an agreement with Placer County for a proposed skate park project.
The Colfax City Council on May 22 approved the introduction of an amendment to the mixed-use MU-1 zoning district, which allows for pedestrian-oriented uses on the ground floor or street-frontage spaces on Main Street.
In an effort to have regulations for short-term rentals within city limits, the Colfax City Council approved the introduction of an ordinance to allow for a permitting process during its May 22 meeting.
The Colfax City Council approved $10,000 in funding for the 3rd of July celebration during its May 22 meeting.
The Colfax City Council unanimously approved a two-year contract with Placer County Health and Human Services for animal control and care services during its May 8 meeting.
The Colfax City Council reviewed additional aspects of the proposed skate park on May 8 in an effort to continue the project’s progress.
The Colfax City Council on April 24 assigned two of its members to serve on the Caboose Relocation Ad-Hoc Committee.
The Placer County Board of Supervisors approved an additional $130,000 be provided to the city of Colfax for the proposed skate park.
In a continued commitment to fair housing, the city of Colfax approved a resolution April 10 to further efforts to activities and programs related to housing and community development.
The Colfax City Council approved a response generated to address the 2023 Grand Jury report findings regarding homelessness during its April 10 meeting.
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