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Placer County Elections & Politics Articles

Image caption: California is taking at least small steps to reform the county sheriffs system.
The Trouble With Sheriffs

Though they are elected officials, county sheriffs have less accountability than any other law enforcement officials. Here's why, and what California is doing about it.

Image caption: California continues to work on legislation that would make voting easier.
Voting Rites

California keeps on taking legislative steps that will keep it ranked in the top 10 of voter-friendly states.

Image caption: There are more than 300 community service districts in California.
Community Services Districts, Explained

Community service districts can do most anything a city government can do. Here’s how they work and how to start one.

Image caption: Economists say that inflation is 2021 is the direct result of the pandemic.
How Bad Is Inflation, and How Can It Be Stopped?

Inflation is on the rise, with prices in some parts of California their highest in 13 years. Here’s what caused this round of inflation, and how can it be stopped.

Image caption: Stephen McNallen uses the Icelandic word Asatru, which means “true to the gods.” in the name of his church. Among those deities is the Norse god Odin (above).
Inside a Whites-Only Church

Reporter Ryan Sabalow writes about Asatru Folk Assembly, a church that worships Norse gods and preaches an extreme racial ideology.

Image caption:
Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved

These organizations aim to help citizens engage with their governments.

Image caption: Californians have a lengthy history of getting involved in the civic affairs that govern their daily lives.
California’s History of Civic Engagement, Explained

California’s history of people getting directly involved in the affairs of government dates back more than a century, but it has sometimes been coopted by business and other interests.

Image caption: Placer County’s water system was birthed in the throes of the Gold Rush.
Placer County’s Water History and Current System, Explained

Placer County’s water management and delivery system: where it came from and what it looks like today.

Image caption: Gov. Gavin News signed a broad new set of police reform laws Sept. 30.
California’s Sweeping New Police Reform Laws, Explained

Gov. Gavin Newsom and California’s Democratic legislators have enacted a sweeping new package of police reform legislation. Here’s what the new laws will accomplish, and why.

Image caption: A graph of a social network.
The Genius of Democracy

In which we ponder human self organization.

Image caption: The schoolhouse was the biggest building in Allensworth, the town founded by Col. Allen Allensworth, which is now a state park.
Civil Rights, Historical Wrongs

Sacramento-based news outlet talks to Jonathan Burgess and L. Dee Slade, both testifying before the Reparations Task Force.

Image caption: Gavin Newsom has reason to be upbeat after crushing an attempt to recall him on Sept. 14.
Recall Election Ends in Rout For Newsom, So What's Next?

Gavin Newsom's star is on the rise after a dominant victory over a recall attempt, but leading Republican candidate Larry Elder says he's only getting started.

Image caption: 41 candidates to replace Gavin Newsom already handed over their tax returns.
Judge Rules Recall Candidates Don’t Need To Reveal Tax Returns

Even though 41 candidates to replace Gavin Newsom in the Sept. 14 recall election have revealed their tax returns, a judge now says that wasn’t necessary.

Image caption: Billionaires on both sides have ponied up big bucks in California's gubernatorial recall.
Big Money Battles it Out as Recall Campaign Nears Conclusion

When California adopted the recall law 110 years ago, it was to keep big money out of politics. Now billionaire donors are dominating this year's gubernatorial recall campaign on both sides.

Image caption: Larry Elder, the frontrunner among candidates hoping to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Is California’s Recall Voting Process Undemocratic?

The next governor of California could win election with far fewer votes that the incumbent governor in the state's recall vote Sept. 14. How did the recall process become so undemocratic?

Image caption: Gov. Newsom has signed a new bill to fund rural broadband access.
Rural Counties Welcome $6 Billion in State Broadband Money

After criticizing an earlier state proposal for bringing broadband to rural counties, the Rural County Representatives of California now applauds a new bill with $6 billion in funding.

Image caption: Joint Powers Authorities are important government agencies with little public accountability.
JPAs Explained: Little-Known Govt Bodies With A Big Role

Under California law, local governments may work together in a "Joint Powers Authority." But these little-known agencies can wield broad powers—even to levy taxes—with little public accountability.

Image caption: A new bill would expand the state's paid family leave.
New Bill Makes Paid Family Leave Affordable for All Workers

A new bill now in the state Senate would make paid family leave accessible even to workers on the lowest end of the income spectrum.

Image caption: California cities switch to more inclusive, district-based elections system.
Voting Rights...the Final Frontier

Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.


California cities switch to more inclusive, district-based elections system.
Voting Rights...the Final Frontier
Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.
There are more than 300 community service districts in California.
Community Services Districts, Explained
Areas that the county overlooks can form their own local governments.
California continues to work on legislation that would make voting easier.
Voting Rites
And more bills are on the way to help you make your mark on Election Day.
The cycle of crime and homelessness is escalating, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Homelessness and Crime in California: Even More Complex Than You Think
What causes the cycle of homelessness and crime, and how to stop it.
The California Supreme Court has defined the state’s legal and political agenda for more than 170 years.
How the California Supreme Court Blazes Legal Trails
From its beginnings in the Gold Rush, the state Supreme Court continues to define the state today.
Translated from the Greek, “Democracy” means “people power.” How much power do the people have in California?
People Power! What Is Democracy, and How Does It Work in California?
The Goddess of Democracy is alive and well in California, but that hasn’t always been true.