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City activates weather-respite centers Jan. 6-8
With the National Weather Service issuing a wind advisory, the City of Sacramento will activate weather-respite operations at its Outreach and Engagement Center (OEC) and the North 5th Street Navi...
Wind Youth Services
Listed under: Homelessness Crisis & Personal Support
From Citrus Heights Sentinel...
From Folsom Times...
The El Dorado Hills Fire Department has released the premiere of "Kyle’s Story," a compelling documentary that explores the serious consequences of not wearing a helmet through the personal journey of a local teenager Kyle Benton.
From California Local...
California voters narrowly passed Proposition 1, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s measure to fund mental health housing. He’s prodding counties to use the money quickly.
In its May 14 meeting, the Folsom City Council approved allocating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds from the County of Sacramento for the replacement and upgrade of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at the Folsom Community Center and the Folsom Senior and Arts Center .
From CapPublicRadio...
From The Sacramento Bee...
From Los Angeles Times...
From CalMatters...
From California Healthline...
From EdSource...
From KFF Health News...
For more than four decades, YoloCares has helped families navigate life’s final stages.
Officials from the El Dorado County Health Department issued a public health notice on Friday, warning that several hundred people may have been exposed to measles after a juvenile from El Dorado County was diagnosed with the disease following a visit to the San Joaquin Urgent Care of UC Davis earlier this week.
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