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City seeks operator for Meadowview Certified Farmers Market
The City of Sacramento is inviting proposals for the management of the Meadowview Certified Farmers Market, with operations set to begin in spring 2025. The deadline for submitting applications is...
California Homebuilding Foundation
Listed under: Business, Economy & Jobs Education Housing
Planning Commission members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve as an advisory body on planning and related matters. Five commissioners are appointed to represent the five supervisorial districts, and two serve at large (one from east of the Sierra crest; the other from the west). The commission holds public hearings and makes recommendations on proposed general plans, studies, and zoning text amendments. Members also review and make decisions on major land development proposals. Meetings are open to the public and participation in the planning process is encouraged.
Meets at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 3091 County Center Dr, Auburn.
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